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Revved to the Maxx (Reynold's Restorations 1)

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“Wes is your target?”

I nodded. “He’s the one who touched her. Frightened her into losing control. Chase used to be a good kid until the last few years. Then he started acting like Wes, but he’s never been as…nasty. I think if he got away from Wes, he might act like a human being again. Wes has always been a little shit—right from the time we were kids.”

“He went wild in his teens. His father did nothing to stop him, instead using his wealth to make the problems go away. Wes has never taken responsibility for his own actions,” Brett agreed, having known him since we were all in school together.

“He is going to be accountable this time,” I swore. “One way or another.”

No one said anything but I felt the silent collective agreement from the group gathered around my table. All brought together by the little redhead upstairs.

Whom I had been away from for far too long.

I stood. “You all head home. Lock up behind you. I’m going upstairs.”

“Make sure you give her something to drink every time you wake her,” Mary instructed. “And keep ahead of her pain.”

“On it,” I said as I pulled a bottle of Charly’s favorite cran-grape juice from the fridge. I filled a glass plus another of water, adding lots of ice since she preferred her drinks cold.

Upstairs, Charly was asleep, and I let her rest. I had another forty-five minutes until I had to wake her. I sat beside her, taking her hand in mine. It was unusual to see her silent. I missed her voice and the way her eyes danced as she told me off about something.

I pushed a heavy lock of hair away from her face. I loved her hair. It suited her personality. Wild and untamable. I watched her sleep, studying her. She was incredibly strong. Memories hit me. Seeing her in the bar. Kissing her for the first time and feeling that odd connection with her. My anger at finding out she was the person who answered the ad. Her refusal to back down.

I had to smile as I thought of the way she had simply refused to take no for an answer and the way she forged ahead, creating more chaos in my life even as she made it better.

She handled whatever attitude I gave her and dished it back tenfold.

And I loved her for it.

I stared at her, somehow not shocked as those words settled in my brain. I dropped my head as realization sank in.

I was completely in love with Charly.

“I know.”

Her voice, low and raspy, broke the silence, and I snapped up my head, meeting her green gaze in the low light. She smiled and lifted my hand covering hers to her mouth and kissed my knuckles.

“I love you too, Maxx.”


Maxx looked startled when I spoke. I had woken, seeing his large figure looming over me, his head hanging down. He was holding my hand, his thumb gently stroking over the bruised skin. He was talking quietly, not aware, I was certain, that he was mumbling his thoughts out loud.

When the words “I love her,” were breathed into the air, I heard his sincerity—and also his surprise.

The words didn’t surprise me. It wasn’t the first time he’d said them.

Our eyes met, his dark gaze intense.

“You know?” he asked, his voice a low hum in the room.

“Yes.” I struggled to sit up, and he immediately stood, carefully lifting me until I was comfortable. He waited until I had some cold juice, then gingerly sat on the bed beside me.

“How?” he asked.

“Today,” I explained. “When you found me. In the truck, you kept telling me everything was going to be all right. You held me so carefully…” She trailed off.

“I was terrified,” he admitted. “You were so hurt. I wanted to take away your pain.” He leaned close. “I had to concentrate on you to stop myself from going and finding those assholes and making them pay.”

“You had your mouth against my ear.” I demonstrated, touching my lobe. “You said ‘I love you, Charly. Stay strong for me. I love you so much.’ Over and over again.”

He stared at me, gaping. He had no idea he’d said those words. His surprise made me smile.

“I-I don’t remember what I said.”

I held his hand between mine. “Do you want to take it back?”

His stern face softened, and he brushed my hands with a gentle kiss.

“No, Red—Charly—Charlynn. Whatever name you are at the moment, I love them all. I love you.”

“And you hate that fact.”

“I should. I swore I would never fall in love again, except now I realize I have never been in love before. Shannon was a catalyst for all the pain I felt. I traded the pain of losing my parents for the pain of a tumultuous relationship with her. I never loved her. I needed to be needed by someone, and she was there. She was no good for me.”

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