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Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2)

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She slipped her hand over mine. “I’m sorry I said what I did the day we met. About your car.”

I had forgotten about her offhand remark about boys and their toys.

“You didn’t know.” I cast a quick sidelong look at her. “I wasn’t exactly on my best behavior that day. You knocked me for a loop.”

“Back at you.”

I pulled off the exit, heading toward my family home. Gabby became quiet, her nerves kicking in again. Theo was glued to the screen, and I thought about the day I had met Gabby. The instant attraction. The way I had kissed her. How she had responded. I silently thanked the powers that be for flat tires, short skirts, and pretty girls who mouthed off to me. It was divine intervention that had me pull over to offer the stranger help.

She had changed my life.

And now, I was about to change hers.

I pulled up in front of my mother’s house. The number of cars in the driveway and on the street let me know Gabby was about to be thrown into the Borelli family circle feetfirst.

I put the car in park and turned to her. “Ready?”

She swallowed, her eyes wide. “Okay.”

I winked. “Let’s go.”

Mama waited at the door, not concealing her curiosity or enthusiasm. She barely let me introduce Gabby and Theo before she hugged them both, clucking over Theo and insisting Gabby call her Mama. “Everyone does,” she claimed.

I held back my smile. Only family and Brett called her that.

She laughed in delight as Theo held out the flowers. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Borelli. These are from Mommy and me—” he faltered, then recovered “—to say thank you for lunch.” He paused. “I hope it’s good. I’m hungry.”

My mother fell in love that second. She cupped Theo’s face, kissing his cheeks. “You call me Nonna Rosa. And it’s good. Promise.”

Then she took his hand, and he followed her into the house. I grinned at Gabby. “Welcome to the Borelli family crazy.”

Inside, there was a frenzy. Theo was being hugged and introduced. He ate it up, his smile wide, not in the least shy. By the time Mama was done, he had headed off to play with the kids, then she turned and announced with a flourish, “Dis is Stefano’s Gabriella!”

It was Gabby’s turn to be exclaimed over. Hugged. Kissed. Complimented. My sisters were effusive. My brothers affectionate. Their spouses welcoming and amused, no doubt recalling their own welcomes to the family.

I couldn’t help recall when I had brought Leah to meet them. They had all been reserved and polite. Not a single one of them liked her. But it was as if they knew how important Gabby and Theo were to me and responded. As if they could see her goodness and light.

It was great to witness.

A short while later, gathered around the table, Theo’s eyes were huge. “Mommy,” he whispered loudly. “I’ve never seen so much food!”

Mama laughed. “Mangia. Mangia. I make all for you.”

“What does that mean?” he asked.

“Eat up,” I told him. “Eat as much as you want.”

His eyes grew even bigger. “All of it!” he crowed.

“Go for it, little man,” I encouraged. “Try it all.”

I helped him with the bowls and platters, giving him a taste of everything. He gobbled it up, asking for more pasta, cutlets, veal, and even the fish. Gabby got him to eat a mouthful of salad, but he waved more away.

“You make that, Mommy. I like the new stuff!” He turned to my mother. “I like this, Nonna Rosa! You’re a really good cook.”

“You have favorite?” she asked.

He furrowed his brow in thought. “The ziti and meatballs.”

She nodded. “I make them when you come back. Every time.”

He beamed and reached over, kissing her cheek. “Thank you!”

She patted his cheek. “Bravo ragazzo.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Good boy. Your momma raise good boy. Like my Stefano.”

“I like Stefo. He’s my friend.”

Mama smiled. “Good.”

“I like having breakfast with him.”

I felt my neck begin to warm. Gabby inhaled quickly, covering it up with her napkin. My mama lifted one eyebrow.

“Oh?” she asked.

I felt the weight of everyone’s stares at the table, my siblings covering their chuckles.

He nodded. “He has sleepovers with Mommy. He kisses her too much, and they talk until he gets tired and falls asleep in her bed ’cause his legs are too long for the sofa. I offered him my Avengers blanket to stay warm because Mommy hogs the blanket.”

Gabby made a low sound of distress. My eldest brother began to laugh. My sisters began to giggle. Mama looked at me. I met her eyes bravely, reminding myself I was a grown adult. I was allowed to sleep with anyone I wanted to.

“I hope Stefano is a good houseguest, Gabriella. He no make a nuisance of himself?”

“He’s a perfect gentleman on the rare occasion he stays over,” Gabby said, sounding desperate.

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