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Breaking the Speed Limit (Reynold's Restorations 2)

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Then I heard it. The barn door slowly rolling closed. My grip on the piece of metal tightened.

I was wrong. I wasn’t alone.

For a moment, I huddled close to the ground, trying to tamp down my panic.

“Hiding won’t do you any good. I know exactly where you are.”

I shut my eyes at the sound of the voice reaching me in the semidarkness. I knew it far too well.

The animosity and cruelness of Wayne’s tone made me nauseous.

How did he get here? He was at the bar the night before.

How did he find me?

I knew I needed to buy myself time. If I didn’t return in a few moments, I knew Brett would come looking for me—as long as he wasn’t locked in a passionate interlude with Kelly. I prayed to God they were still fighting.

I straightened, careful to keep hold of the dead flashlight and the piece of metal.

“How did you find me?”

His laughter was disdainful. “Everyone leaves traces now, Gabby.”

I inched toward the tarp and away from his voice. There had to be another way out.

“Traces?” I asked, confused.

His chuckle was pure evil. “Your driver’s license. Health card. When you applied for new ones, it left a trace. I have friends who helped me find it.”

“Obviously, your friends have the same morals you do. None.”

“And thanks to your stupid friend Margie leaving her phone in her purse, it was easy to grab and download her contacts. Process of elimination was all that was left, and I found you and traced you here.”

“You mean, your friends did,” I replied, letting sarcasm coat my tone. “You’re not that smart.”

“Don’t make me angrier, Gabby. It only makes it worse. You know that.”

I repressed a shiver, concentrating on an escape route. Annoyed Wayne used to punish me with words and slaps. Angry Wayne liked to hear me cry. And I could feel his fury. I couldn’t let him get his hands on me.

I was almost at the tarp. I could throw something and distract him and crawl under. I’d start screaming then.

“You were in BC last night.”

“I was on a plane early this morning. I’ve been watching you and your friends all afternoon.”

I shut my eyes. Stefano was going to be so angry.

“Go away, Wayne. Leave, and I won’t tell anyone you were here.”

“You won’t be telling anyone. I came to get my son, and you’re coming with us.”

“He’s not your son,” I spat. “Donating sperm doesn’t make you a father.”

I reached the tarp, tossing the piece of metal over my shoulder and hearing it hit something. I hoped it would distract him, make him go in that direction, thinking it was me.

I dropped and scrambled under the tarp, the light brighter on the other side. Except the second I was on my feet, Wayne grabbed me, his arm around my neck, his fetid breath on my face.

“Gotcha,” he whispered.



“Where’s my son?” Wayne’s voice was low and angry in my ear.

“He’s not here.”

His grip tightened. “Stop lying.”

I struggled against his hold, feeling the weight of the flashlight in my hand. It was my only chance.

“He’s–he’s not here,” I gasped.

“I saw him with a man. That your new guy, Gabby?” he hissed. “You think you can walk out on me and find a new life? Take my son and leave?”

“You didn’t want him,” I protested, grateful when his arm slipped a little, much-needed oxygen filling my lungs. “Or me,” I added.

“You’re correct there. But he’s the right age now. Trainable. I saw him,” he snarled. “He’s a momma’s boy. I’ll beat that out of him fast enough.”

Rage tore through me at his words. I would die before I let him so much as look at my son. I didn’t care what happened to me. All that mattered was Theo. Keeping him safe.

I raised my foot and stomped down as hard as I could. Wayne roared, and I broke away, grabbing at the flashlight. I turned and swung, catching his head. He howled in rage, and I ran for the barn door, screaming. I managed to get it to slide open when I heard it. The sound of a gun being cocked. I stopped, turning to look.

Wayne stood, bleeding and furious, holding a gun pointed at me. Outside I heard shouts, and to my horror, I saw Chase and Theo in front of Chase’s truck, having just pulled up. Brett tore out of the house, stopping when he saw me standing by the barn door.

He hurried toward the barn, stopping when I held up my hand.

“Tell Theo to come here,” Wayne demanded.


“I said, tell my kid to come here. Right now. Or he can watch his mother die.”

I shook my head, stopping Brett and Chase from coming forward. I looked at Theo, his face confused. I smiled and blew him a kiss, pretending everything was fine. “Go inside, Teddy Bear.”

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