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Room Mated: Standalone Reverse Harem Romance

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I closed my eyes as I leaned against him and glided my hands up my sides, then over my head. Blindly, I reached for him, one hand closing in on his short hair. Somehow, the other one touched his lips, and I felt his tongue dart out and lick my finger. God, this was hot. I loved feeling his hot, hard body behind me.

A drunk guy and his buddies pushed past, and Mason pulled me back a step to avoid them. But one of the guys stopped to stare at me.

“She’s hot,” he slurred to his pals, as if I weren’t a person, just a thing. And as if I wasn’t being held by a big, strong man.

The other men came back, and one had his phone’s flashlight on. He pointed the light at my face and then panned it down my body and back up again. My jaw dropped open at the man’s audacity and I felt Mason tense behind me.

“Very hot,” one of them said.

The light returned, shining in my face, and I blinked and turned my head.

“What’s with your eyes?” one man said, his breath reeking of beer. “Look, they’re two different colors.”

“Back off,” Mason growled, holding me tight, but it was so crowded, there wasn’t anywhere for us to retreat.

“They are, they’re different colors!” A third man, this one drunker than his buddies, seemed excited. Then to my horror, he reached toward my breasts. “I wonder if her nipples are the same color.”

Mason yanked me back, but the guy managed to get a handful of the front of my shirt. I cried out as he pulled it toward him, staring down my shirt. Then a large hand appeared in front of me, trying to dislodge the drunk’s fingers. There was a mighty tug and I was afraid the seams of my shirt would give, but they held. Then Mason was in front of me. There was a loud smack and then the awful drunk was on the floor.

Horrified, I watched as the guy’s buddies clenched their hands into fists, glaring at Mason. A hand grasped my arm and I shrieked, whirling to defend myself, but it was just Parker. “Let’s get you out of here,” he said.

“But what about Mason—” I protested. Three men were in front of him, their fists raised.

“He can handle them.”

Parker led me off to the side of the room. Trembling, I looked around. Where the hell was the bouncer? Wasn’t he supposed to stop this sort of thing? What if those guys hurt Mason? They were drunk, but there were three of them. Then suddenly, Mason wasn’t alone. Jude was there, and the two of them took care of the drunks quickly and decisively. The last of the inebriated assholes gave up the fight when Jude’s fist connected solidly with his nose.

Parker wrapped his arms around me as I stared in shock. From a dim corner of my mind, I noted that the band was still playing, minus the drums.

“Are you okay?” Parker asked.

“I—I think so.” I tried to take stock. Nothing hurt, but I could feel that man’s hand pulling my shirt away and his eyes on my breasts. It made me shudder.

Parker mistook my shaking for chills and peeled off his jacket. He put it around my shoulders and I slid my arms into it gratefully. I felt better once it was on. It just figured that the one time I went out without more than one shirt on, some jerk tried to peel it off.

Mason strode up to us. He had a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth.

“Are you okay?” I asked anxiously.


“Where’s Jude?”

My question was answered even before Mason pointed back at the stage. The loud number the band was playing now had a drumbeat again.

“Let’s get you out of here,” Mason said. He pushed his way through the crowd and I followed him closely. Parker was only a half step behind me, and he actually stepped on my heel once, but I didn’t mind. I liked knowing he was there and that he literally had my back.

We were quiet as we walked to Mason’s Jeep. When we got there, Mason tossed his keys to Parker. “Can you drive?”


Mason opened the back door and I climbed in, although I didn’t quite feel ready to sit by myself. But I didn’t have to because Mason got in after me. He waited until I’d put on my seatbelt and then he put his arm around me.

He kept it there for the whole ride back.



As if anyone needed more proof that Henderson was the best dormitory in the state, there was a weight room next to the laundry room. And the laundry room was on our floor, so there was no need to lug stuff down to the basement.

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