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Following Maggie (Coming Home)

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My father straightened up. “How surprising. One slacker defending another. How the two of you got together, I have no idea, but good riddance. You’ve obviously had a bad influence on Sebastian.”

Patrick laughed. “Whatever. Whoever you want to blame, go ahead. God knows you can’t blame yourself.”

My father pointed a finger at me. “You owe me.”

“Leave the boy alone. Whatever it is, I’ll pay it. Give me a figure, and I’ll write you a check,” Patrick spat out.

I gaped at him. So did my father. Then he recovered.

“Having your friends paying off your debts now, Sebastian?” He sneered. “I’m not sure you can afford it, Patrick. He has quite a large debt.”

Patrick laughed. “First off, he is more than a friend. You damn well know that. Sebastian is family. We take care of our family here. And I know he’s good for it. He’s one of the most trustworthy people I know. The fact that you can’t, or won’t, see that in your own son is just sad.” He gave my father a look that spoke volumes. “Shame his—” he raised his hands, making quotation marks in the air “—‘real family’ refuses to accept or see him for the amazing young man he is.” Then he smirked. “As for affording it, I can assure you, I could buy and sell you ten times over. Trust me on that one.”

Connie joined our group. “I’ll pay whatever bill you send.” Her voice was low, her words frank. “Your father would be ashamed of you.”

My father stepped forward menacingly. “I don’t give a—”

Patrick stepped in front of him. “Don’t you dare. You speak to my mother with respect, or you keep your mouth shut. And you keep your hands to yourself, or I’ll teach you a lesson you’ve needed for a very long time.”

“You wouldn’t. I’ll bring you up on charges.”

“The police chief is right over there.” I pointed to the corner. “He’d testify we were protecting my grandmother and my fiancée.”

His eyes narrowed, and he glanced over his shoulder. Tom nodded in affirmation of my words. My father finally realized he was surrounded by people against him. I had seen the way his shoulders tensed when I called Connie my grandmother. He didn’t like it, but I no longer cared.

He blanched, then shook off the hand Chris still had on his shoulder. “I’ll send you an invoice. I don’t care who pays it as long as I get my money.” He shook his head. “You’ll never get a penny back. The boy will never amount to anything.”

Patrick nodded. “That’s where you’re wrong. He is already more than you will ever know. More than you will ever be. You should be proud, but you’re too blind to see it. Too prideful to admit you’re wrong. You always have been.”

I felt my chest warm at his words.

My father looked around the room, taking note of all the unfriendly eyes watching him. “I’m leaving.”

Patrick stepped to the side, gently pushing Maggie and me back. “No one is stopping you. In fact, you’ve interrupted a highly enjoyable evening. Since you’re too stubborn to stay and enjoy your son’s talent, it’s best you do leave.”

My father strode by, stopping to glare at me. “Last chance, Sebastian.”

I stared at him, shocked to realize I no longer had any feelings toward him. I was emotionless. “Don’t want it.”

“We’re done.”

Relief was the only thing I felt at that moment. I shrugged.

He stormed out.

I pulled Maggie into my arms. “Are you all right?”

She nodded against my chest, her arms clutching me hard. “Are you?”

“I’m fine.”

I met Patrick’s gaze. He clapped me on the shoulder and smiled, trying to ease the tension. He raised his voice. “What’s a night out without a little drama? That’s what happens when you get to be famous.”

Everyone in the bar chuckled. “We prefer your singing, Sebastian!” someone shouted out.

I held up my hand. “You’ll hear it in a minute. Promise.”

They applauded, and I knew I was among friends who had my back. An entire roomful of them.

I looked at Finn. “Just give me a moment, and I’ll start back up.”

“Take your time. They all need refills now the halftime show is over.” He winked and jerked his head in the direction of the hall. “My office is empty.”

“Patrick?” I asked quietly.

“With you.”

In the office, I cupped Maggie’s face. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I am. I was so scared he would hurt you or say more nasty things.”

“His words don’t hurt now, Angel. The thought of him hurting you almost did me in.”

“He didn’t. I’m fine.”

“We don’t ever have to see him again. He will never get near you again.”

“Or you.”


I turned to Patrick. “I will pay you back.”

He grinned. “I know. Do I look at all worried?”

“As soon as I get my advance. I don’t know what I owe him—”

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