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I take Tinsley by the hand and pull her under the large tree out of the sight of the kids. “Dame’s right, too, you know.” I tilt Tinsley’s chin up. “Ours was not a marriage of convenience. It was love from the very beginning.”

“I thought you hated me.” She smiles in remembrance, the feelings of the early days of our marriage a fond memory.

“I was afraid if you knew how much I loved you, you’d kick me straight out.” I bend down and place a kiss on her forehead. “And then I was afraid I’d terrorize you with my lust.” I kiss her nose. “And then I was afraid of losing you.” I kiss her cheek. “And then I realized that living without you was the worst fear of all, and so I was just determined to have you no matter what.”

“I’m glad,” she murmurs. “I love you, Leo.” Her arms rise to wind around my neck.

“I love you, Tinsley. You’re never getting away from me.”

“Perfect. I wasn’t planning on letting you go.”

“Daddy, my bow fell off again.”

I peel myself away from Tinsley’s mouth and crouch down to inspect Gentry’s hair. “Let’s put the bow in Daddy’s pocket. That way it stays safe while you’re having fun.”

“Were you having fun? Kissing Mommy?” the sprite wants to know.

“Very, but only because we’re married. When you kiss someone you’re not married to, it’s terrible.”

Gentry nods in emphatic agreement. “I know. Johnny pressed his wet frog lips against my cheek two days ago, but I kicked him in the shin just like you taught me, Mommy.”

“Aren’t you the smart one?” Tinsley gives Gentry a squeeze. “Go get your siblings so we can go home. You’re ready to go home, aren’t you?” She directs the last bit at me.

“Come with me, Mommy.” Gentry tugs her mom’s hand and leads her toward the others. Tinsley tosses me an apologetic look over her shoulder. I blow her a kiss.

“Yes.” I’m ready to go home to the brownstone where we fought, made love, and created our family. I shove my hands in my pockets. The calluses on my palms rub against the silk lining. I went to college and got my business degree, and then, at Edwards’ urging, I went to law school too. It’s helped us manage the money that Tinsley inherited, making sure we stayed away from scams and schemes. Even with all the education and the nice clothes and living in the brownstone, I still feel like a kid from the docks, but I’m okay with that. It keeps me level-headed in this rare air. It’s helped me be a good dad and a good husband, but truthfully, as long as I am with Tinsley, nothing else matters.

Like Edwards read, true love can’t keep anyone apart.

Tinsley walks up with Gentry hanging on her free hand, and Petra and Rochelle running in circles around our lone son, Dylan. On my wife’s face is a soft, happy smile. If I looked in the mirror, I’d probably see wonder across my expression.

I grab the two girls and lift them up into my arms to free Dylan. “We’re heading home. Why don’t you go and tell the valet we need the Rover.”

He sends me a grateful look and runs off ahead. I mouth I love you to Tinsley, who blows me a kiss.

My heart swells so big it feels like it will burst. Where there is love, life is magnificent. On paper, Tins and I weren’t a likely couple, but there’s no doubt we belong together. In this crazy world, all we need is each other.

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