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The Billionaire's Secret (Tycoon Billionaires 5)

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“I don’t care,” he said. “I just want to beat you.” He glanced at Astrid, and realized she was still holding her gun – but it was pointing down at the floor.

“Drop it, Astrid,” Daniel said. “And get your hands where I can see ‘em. You shoot me, I’ll shoot you quicker.”

Jake nodded. “It’s okay. Do as he says.”

She lowered her gun to the ground and put her hands up. “This is a mistake, Daniel.”

“The only mistake you made was getting together with this guy.” Daniel stepped toward Jake, still directing his gun at Astrid. “Give me the map, Jake. No fucking about with me this time, or I’ll blow her head off. I will do it. It’s just the three of us – no witnesses. I’ll say it was you who killed her.”

Jake realized he had no choice, so he reached into his jacket and pulled out the precious map he’d been protecting all this time. He handed it to Daniel with a sly grin, because when all was said and done, he knew he didn’t really need it anymore.

Daniel grabbed the map with a triumphant smile on his smug face, then he walked backwards toward the exit, holding his gun aloft – pointing it at Astrid.

“Bye bye, losers,” he called out as he reached the door. Then he turned and ran.

Jake stepped over and hugged his beloved. “You okay, sweetheart?”

She nodded. “Yeah. I guess it was inevitable that Daniel would double-cross us.”

“I know.” He pulled her close, relishing the fact that his prize was right here in his arms. He gazed mischievously into her eyes. “Hey, you still wanna come on that treasure hunt with me?”

“But the map… Didn’t Daniel just take it?”

“You think I don’t have a back-up?”

“You’ve memorized it?”

“Sure I have.”

She laughed excitedly. “All right. Come on then. I can probably stretch to a little more adventure with you, before retreating back to the quiet life for a while!”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Astrid called her parents and told them to get to the hospital to be with Emma as soon as they could. They sounded frantic, but somehow Astrid had never felt so alive. The world was an amazing place, full of adventure, and Jake had triggered her sense of fun. And he was so handsome and sexy!

They headed back to the car, and Jake rolled down the top, then they set off after Daniel with the wind blowing in their hair. Astrid’s excitement whooshed through her like the autumn breeze through the trees.

“We’re heading back to New York,” Jake said, raising his voice against the wind. “The treasure’s buried near where I grew up.”

“What if Daniel gets there first?” she asked, fishing her hair out of her mouth. “He’ll steal it.”

Jake glanced at her with determination on his face. “Not while I still have my strength. He’s not stealing my legacy.”

Astrid smiled, trusting him completely. She gazed at him with her eyes full of love and excitement. He took one hand off the wheel and wrapped his arm around her, so she leaned across the center console and got comfy against his strong body.

Jake held her tight as they cruised down the highway toward their next adventure. At one point, when they were nearing the interstate, Jake spotted

Daniel’s car, and he overtook him, making Astrid laugh. But Daniel managed to edge in front, then he sped off in the fast lane.

“I wish I had my Ferrari,” Jake said.

They drove at high speed after Daniel for a couple of hours, down wide highways and over steel bridges. Astrid had never felt so exhilarated. Being with Jake was such a thrill. This was the most fun she’d had since she was a child. The highways made her feel energized and alive – but eventually they hit New York State, left the freeway, and drove toward a smaller town via a two-lane road.

Jake drove them into a secluded area, which was hilly with a river running through it. Astrid had never been here before, and she hadn’t realized the location of the treasure would be so pretty. The green hills looked stunning framed by the bright blue sky – with the warm yellow sun oozing down on them lazily. There was no one else around, but Daniel’s car was already parked – abandoned in a field so he could set off on foot to the location on the map.

“Where is he?” Astrid asked. “Are you sure this the right place?”

Jake pulled the car up beside Daniel’s and cut the engine. “Definitely. He must’ve wandered off. I bet he was confused by the river. Come on, sweetheart.”

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