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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

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Leaving the old Satyr in the living area of her suite, she ran back to the bedroom to get dressed. She started to put on a pair of jeans, but they were too constrictive and seemed to make the problem between her thighs worse. God, she couldn’t stand this extreme sensitivity much longer!

Desperately, she dashed into the fresher and tried once more to wash the purple jelly out of herself. But though it seemed as though she’d gotten most of it out, the intense pleasure continued every time she pressed her thighs together.

At last, realizing that she couldn’t keep Stor’kuum waiting forever, she dried off and ran back into the bedroom. She tried to get dressed again and found that she couldn’t even stand the feeling of a bra against her throbbing nipples or a pair of panties rubbing against her swollen pussy. She began to wonder uneasily if she was going to have to go to Commander Rarev and admit what she’d done and ask for the cure.

But no—she couldn’t go to the Chief Monstrum and admit that instead of studying the flora of his ship, she’d let it fuck her! She absolutely could not start her time aboard the Monstrum Mother Ship that way.

Grimly, Iyanna got dressed in a loose, red silk blouse and a plain black skirt that went down to her knees. She left off her underwear and bra, despite the fact that the tight points of her nipples were plainly visible beneath the thin silk. It was the only way she could stand to be dressed at all!

Hoping her guide wouldn’t notice her state of undress, Iyanna went out into the living area after slipping on a pair of comfortable black flats.

Luckily, Stor’kuum was much too busy studying her living couch to notice the stiff points of her nipples tenting the red silk blouse.

“Look at this!” he exclaimed, when she came into the room. “Blooming, it is! It ‘ent s’posed to do that, you know!”

“It ‘ent? I mean, it’s not?” Iyanna asked uneasily. He was pointing to the back and arm of the couch where she’d been touching it the night before. The blossoms that had sprung up under her hand were even brighter and bigger now.

“No, it ‘ent!” His gray beard was wagging with excitement. “Was it blooming like that before you got here, Missy Eee-yannie?”

“Er, no,” Iyanna admitted reluctantly. “It, um, only started after I touched it last night.” She thought about telling him about the huge bouquet of blooms that had grown in her bed between her legs, but that was far too embarrassing. “I hope I haven’t hurt it or caused any trouble,” she said, looking at the couch. “I really didn’t mean to. I was only—”

“Cause trouble? Why, of course not, Missy. Do you know what this means?” the old satyr demanded, pointing to the blooming parts of the couch again. “This means you’re what we Monstrum call a Viridi Femma—a special kind of female that all the plants love!”

“I am?” Iyanna looked at him doubtfully.

“Sure you are!” he exclaimed. “Why, I bet all the little plants like to grow for you like nobody else, don’t they?”

“Um, I guess so,” Iyanna admitted. “Actually, down on Earth we just call having an affinity for plants ‘a green thumb.’ I got it from my grandmother,” she added.

“Ayuh!” He nodded, his long gray beard wagging. “It’s a trait passed down from mother to daughter, so it is. It’s been so long since we’ve had females aboard the Mother Ship, it’s mostly been forgotten. But I remember. The last Viridi Femma we had was also a priestess—blessed by the Goddess, she was. As are all her kind—all your kind!” he said, smiling widely at Iyanna and showing yellowish teeth.

“Well…I’m, er, honored,” she murmured, uncertain what else to say. “I didn’t know your people thought having a green thumb was so special.”

“Think on it, missy,” Stor’kuum said, frowning a little. “The whole Monstrum Mother Ship is a living thing—she’s held together on the inside by the strength of her plants—by their roots, you know. So anything that makes them healthier, makes her healthier. Of course we Monstrum revere a Viridi Femma!” He shook his head. “The last one died when I was just a lad. To think I should live to see another emerge. Praise be to the Goddess, the Mother of All Life!”

“Um…” Iyanna didn’t know what to say to that. She didn’t want to denigrate the old satyr’s religion but they couldn’t stand here all day—she wanted to get on with the tour of the ship.

She shifted restlessly from foot to foot and instantly wished she hadn’t. The shifting motion sent sparks of pleasure through her pussy, which felt extremely wet and swollen beneath her concealing black skirt.

“Well, well…” Stor’kuum sighed. “It’s a miracle, so it is, but we can’t stand here jaw-flapping all day, now can we?”

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