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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

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“Oh, they’re not going to fall off—I made sure of that,” Kat said confidently. “See—most of the Lix’dorian clothes are made with Velcro patches or something that looks and acts like Velcro, anyway. These are industrial grade magnets. Go on—try to pull one of the shields off.”

She stepped back and gestured for Iyanna to try.

Shrugging, Iyanna took the gold-embroidered triangular modesty shield that was hiding her breasts and gave a gentle tug. When she found that it didn’t move, she gave it a more vigorous yank. Still it stayed firmly in place.

“Hey—you weren’t kidding,” she said to Kat, after trying all three shields. “These aren’t coming off for anything!”

“Nope.” Kat shook her head, a smile playing around the corners of her mouth. “I know my business, doll—been doing it for years now. So don’t worry—you don’t have to fear being exposed.”

“Thank you—that’s a good thing to know,” Iyanna said gratefully. “Especially if I’m not allowed to wear any underwear.”

“Bras either, I’m afraid,” Kat told her. “Better go ahead and take all your undies off now, since you’re going right to the transport station to take you to Lix’dor Prime as soon as we’re through here.”

Iyanna made a face. She hated going braless and it seemed that since she’d come aboard the Monstrum Mother Ship, it was somehow now her natural state. But there was no arguing with Kat.

“Sorry, doll,” she told Iyanna. “But if a woman is caught wearing any kind of undergarments on Lix’dor Prime, she can be publicly flogged. I know you’re going to keep your clothes and your modesty shields on at all times, but it’s better not to take a chance—don’t you think?”

Iyanna shuddered.

“Publicly flogged? What kind of barbaric Medieval-wanna be place is this planet, anyway?”

Kat shrugged philosophically.

“Believe it or not, there are plenty of planets with customs centered around a woman’s dress in this galaxy. You wouldn’t believe some of the outfits I’ve whipped up for people going on interstellar missions.”

“All right.” Iyanna sighed. “I just hate going without my bra. Panties too, but especially the bra—I’m too big up top and I feel all wobbly and exposed.”

“I might have something that can help with that.” Kat pulled a small black box, about the size and shape of a contact lens case out of her pocket. “Here—when you take off your bra, put these on.”

“What are they?” Iyanna opened the case and frowned down at the two tiny red jewels that looked like teardrop rubies.

“These are float dots—they’re alien tech one of our girls brought back from a diplomatic mission and we all just love them,” Kat explained. “They make it so you never have to wear a bra again.”

“Really? How do they work?” Iyanna brought the black box closer to her face and stared at the little red jewels—they seemed to be humming very softly.

“You just put one on the underside of each of your breasts,” Kat explained. “The float dots will give you lift and support without the need for straps and bands.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Iyanna said. She’d been big in the chest for most of her life and the idea of never having to wear a bra again sounded like a dream come true.

“Like I said, we all love them on the other Mother Ship,” Kat told her. “Go on—try them.”

Iyanna did as she said and was amazed at the way the little dots worked. As soon as she stuck them to the undersides of her breasts, her full globes lifted gracefully until they were positively perky. It was almost as though they were being held in place by a pair of invisible hands, she thought.

Kat nodded approvingly at the effect and had Iyanna try on a few more outfits to be sure the fit was good. She then packed them all away—except for the crimson one, which Iyanna had decided to wear on the trip—in a small golden case. She also packed some sleepwear outfits—which looked like wispy little baby doll nightgowns, and a single pair of black strappy sandals she’d printed just for Iyanna.

“Now, these shoes can be adjusted, depending on what occasion you need them for,” Kat told her. “Look here—they have a collapsible heel so they can go from flats, all the way to stilettos—just push this little gold button on the side.” She demonstrated by pressing the tiny gold button and turning one flat sandal into a stilt-like stiletto and then adjusting it to a more reasonable height.

“Wow—I love that!” Iyanna tried it herself with the other shoe and found that the height really was easy to control. This feature was going to come in handy considering that Dra’vik was so much taller than her! Maybe it would even the playing field a bit if she wore the shoes at their maximum setting.

For now, however, she decided to keep the strappy sandals on a low, one inch heel. She honestly wasn’t used to walking in higher heels very much. Because she was already an inch taller than her ex, Ian had been, she’d avoided them for years.

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