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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

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“All right, well you take care, doll,” she said and gave Iyanna a hug. “It was great meeting you and I know you’re going to do a wonderful job on Lix’dor Prime!”

“Thank you.” Iyanna hugged her back. She hadn’t known Kat long, but the other woman already felt like a friend. “Maybe we can get together when I get back,” she offered. “I could give you a tour of the Monstrum Mother Ship myself.”

Kat grinned.

“I’d love that! As long as I can bring Sophie and Liv.”

“I’m sure they’d be welcome,” Iyanna said, smiling. “I’ll call you as soon as I get back.”

“I can’t wait.” Kat nodded and gave her a final smile before hurrying across to the waiting black panther Monstrum pilot. “Good luck, doll!” she called, and waved before disappearing into the golden ship.

Good luck indeed, Iyanna thought, as she stared at the still scowling Dra’vik, who was waiting for her, tapping one enormous, booted foot impatiently.

It seemed like she was going to need all the good luck she could get.


Dra’vik was irritated at being kept waiting. They were already running late and they were going to have to fold space in order to get to the transport station where they would board the shuttle ship that would take them to Lix’dor Prime.

He realized that the little Elite had needed time with the specialist in order to get ready for their trip—apparently the Lix’dorians had some extremely harsh rules about the way females could and couldn’t dress. But he didn’t want to miss their ride—he wanted to get to Lix’dor Prime and get this mission finished as quickly as possible.

That way I can go back to the Dark Side and not be tempted by her any longer, he told himself.

And the little Earth female was very fucking tempting—even more so than earlier. She was dressed in what he assumed was Lix’dorian fashion—a filmy, see-through crimson outfit accented with golden embroidery that looked gorgeous next to her creamy brown skin. Her long, black spiraling curls hung around her shoulders and she lifted her chin and walked confidently, once again refusing to be intimidated by either his size or his scowl.

Dra’vik himself was wearing his black uniform trousers and boots and a plain black leather vest that buttoned at the front with broad golden buttons. His brother Monstrum who had fur often went without clothing at all, since their fur hid their skin. They also had a kind of shaggy pouch that hid the natural sheath their shafts rested in until they were ready for breeding.

Dra’vik, however, was a scaled Monstrum—he had no pouch or sheath to hide his long, thick shaft. So he wore trousers at all times, though he rarely bothered to wear anything over his chest. However, since he was representing his people in an official capacity, he had decided to make an exception.

Speaking of his shaft, he could feel it hardening as he watched Iyanna walk towards him. It was clear from the way her breasts moved under the golden triangle of embroidery on her chest that she had no undergarments on.

Considering that Monstrum never wore undergarments, Dra’vik found them surprisingly erotic—and the lack of them even more so. Possibly because the humans were already so naked—they had no fur or scales or feathers to keep them warm or hide their sexual equipment. Without their clothing they were utterly bare—which Dra’vik found much more enticing than he liked to admit, even to himself.

“You’re late, little girl,” he said roughly, as she finally reached him. “We’re going to have to fold space in order to get to our destination on time.”

Iyanna looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes.

“Is that supposed to bother me—folding space?”

“Only if you’re pregnant,” Dra’vik told her. “It’s bad for the fetus.” He didn’t think she was—he hadn’t smelled another male on her. But he had to be certain before they folded space. He narrowed his eyes at her. “Have you let any male breed you recently?”

“What? That’s none of your business!” she exclaimed. “But you can put your mind to rest—I am absolutely, positively not pregnant. No kids for me—not right now, anyway,” she added.

Dra’vik felt the corners of his mouth tug down even further. If he’d needed any other indication that the little Elite wasn’t for him, this was certainly it. Iyanna definitely didn’t seem to want children and had no interest in getting pregnant—she certainly wasn’t going to want to bond with a male who would instantly fill her belly with his child.

But he only nodded and opened the passenger side shuttle door for her.

“Get in,” he said shortly. “We have to get going before we miss the fucking tourist shuttle.”

Instead of doing as he demanded, she looked up at him, one hand planted firmly on her full hip.

“You know, if we’re going to pretend to be a couple, you’re going to need to start treating me like you’re really my husband,” she said tartly. “And the last time I looked, a good husband doesn’t snap and snarl at his ‘cherished wife.’ So I’d appreciate a little more respect.”

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