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Dragon in the Dark (Kindred Tales)

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While most of the travelers were walking briskly along, clearly eager to catch their flights, many of the Lix’dorian males with pleasure slaves had stopped along the sides of the corridor and were…making use of them, was the nicest way Iyanna could think to put it.

They passed several couples where the male Lix’dorian was leaning against the wall while his pleasure slave knelt before him and sucked his cock. There were several more where the male was sitting on one of the conveniently placed benches in the central corridor while his pleasure slave sat on his lap and rode him. There was even one couple where the male had the female bent over, clutching the back of a bench while he plowed her from behind.

Nobody passing batted an eye at this behavior. And none of the Lix’dorians engaged in these public sex acts showed the least embarrassment or self-consciousness. They simply acted as if what they were doing was normal.

Well, maybe it is normal for here, Iyanna thought, trying not to stare as a woman who looked to be about her own age did her level best to deep-throat her husband. Or no, he was her Master, not her husband, Iyanna thought, remembering the convoluted relationship rules here. It didn’t seem to matter if the man was an honored husband or a Master and the woman was a cherished wife or a pleasure slave—they were all in the same boat in that the men actually owned the women here and did whatever they wanted with them.

As a fantasy, it might be nice. Iyanna had often dreamed of having a man who would play the stern but loving Master for her so that she could submit to him sexually. But in reality, it made her wonder if these women had any choice about what they were doing. The balance of power between the sexes here was all wrong—completely unfair. Or course it was still unfair in a lot of places on Earth, too, they just weren’t quite so blatant about it as the Lix’dorians.

They winded their way through the corridors of the space port, staying on the edges of the crowd as well as they could—not too difficult since most people took one look at Dra’vik with his glowing yellow eyes, glittering scales, and long black horns and gave the big Drake a wide berth. At last they came to the mouth of a broad tunnel that had moving walkways leading down into a dark underground area on one side. On the other side, the walkways were leading up into the spaceport.

Crowds of people were stepping onto the walkways that led downwards and stepping off the ones that led upwards and into the spaceport. It was a very busy scene, Iyanna thought.

“Guess this is the way to the undertram,” Dra’vik said under his breath.

Iyanna nodded.

“Yup, guess so.” She was reluctant to join the massive crowd of people heading down into the dark undertram station, but there didn’t seem to be any other way to get to their hotel. So she took a deep breath and looked up at Dra’vik. “Let’s be sure we don’t get separated, all right?”

“Not letting go of you for any reason, little girl,” he growled. “In fact, come a little closer, okay? Here.”

He unlaced their fingers and put his arm around her shoulders instead. Still gripping the handle of her small golden suitcase in the other hand, Iyanna put her arm around his trim, muscular waist and felt slightly more secure.

“Thanks.” She looked up at him and saw that he was giving her an anxious look.

“You’re sure you’re okay to go down there?”

She nodded.

“Let’s get it over with. I really want to get to the hotel and relax.”

“I do too. All right—let’s go.”

And they joined the crowd on the moving walkway leading down into the darkness.


The second time someone grabbed Iyanna’s ass, she was pretty sure it wasn’t an accident.

“Hey!” She jumped and looked behind her, but there was nothing but a sea of nameless faces—most of them Lix’dorian. Which probably accounted for the fact that someone felt like the large triangle cut out of the back of her outfit made her fair game for groping.

They were waiting on the platform for the next undertram to come along and it was incredibly crowded. The sight reminded Iyanna of pictures and vids she’d seen of Japan where the attendants were actually shoving people into the train cars to pack everyone in as tightly as possible.

This also reminded her, uncomfortably, that she’d read an article about people getting groped on those same trains. The first time someone had touched her ass, she’d chalked it up to an accident due to the crowding. But this second time someone had actually grabbed one of her cheeks and squeezed. There was no way in hell that was an accident.

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