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Nanny and the Beast

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April went completely still.

“She was cheating on him so he just strangled her to death right in front of me. I hated him for it until the day he died. He disposed of the body and pretended to everyone that she had run back to Russia. He got away with her murder. For years, I wondered if Karma would get him. It took its own sweet time, but it did. He suffered for nearly two years with cancer. By the time he died, the disease had worn him down to a skeleton. There was so little flesh on his face left, even his corpse bore the expression of a terrible grimace. On his deathbed, he cried. Fucking bastard wanted to carry on living even with all that pain. I gave him a lavish funeral, but I didn’t shed a fucking tear.”

She snuggled even further into me trying to provide as much comfort as she could and it made breathing a little easier. “You and Alex are really close too?”

“Having Alex by my side when I was growing up made it all easier, so I more than understand your connection to Charlotte.”

“You know there’s a saying that goes around in your household, that he is the only one you listen to,” she said.

I smiled. “Really?”

“Yeah, and I understand why that would be the case, but when I mentioned it to him, he confused me even further.”

“Why, what did he say?”

“He said, Yuri listens to everyone. I’m still not exactly sure what he meant by that.”

“Me neither,” I said. “One would hope that with how little he speaks he would at least make himself clear, but he’s law unto himself. For the most part, he can’t be bothered what people think of him.”

“What about his family?” she asked.

I scowled.

April immediately rushed to apologize. “I’m sorry if that’s too personal.”

“No, it’s not that. I’m just wondering how much to say. In my world, less is always more. His mother moved with him from Canada to London when he was about ten. All I can say is that he has no need to be by my side. His family is fabulously wealthy, but the fact that he chose to… It maybe a little farfetched for you all to say that I only listen to him, but there is some truth in there. I do listen to him. I’m hot tempered and rash and he keeps me on the straight and narrow. ”

She sighed. “I wish Charlotte was that sane. If I listened to all she said, I’d probably be in jail by now, or something. She’s insane, most of the time.”

I laughed and tightened my arms around her. My phone began to ring and I picked it up to see that it was Alex. “Great. Your doctor’s here,” I informed her.

She groaned aloud. “I don’t need a doctor.”

“Don’t be a baby.” I threw the covers away from her and found her a pair of shorts from one of the drawers she had unpacked her luggage into. I tugged her by the legs to the edge of the bed and started to pull the shorts up her legs, but I just couldn’t resist the lure of her blue panties. Stopping at her knees, I pushed my head forward and covered her sweet pussy with my mouth.

“This is not how you treat someone who’s ill,” she whimpered.

“It’s just an incentive for you to get better quickly,” I said before taking a nip of her clit through the lacy material. I had intended to stop, but I soon got carried away when her hips started squirming in response to my mouth.

Her breathing was hard and heavy, but just as I began to roll the panties off her hips there was a knock to the door.

I stilled then, but she wrapped her legs around me, holding me in place. “No,” she said, “I’m fine. I don’t need a doctor. Send him away and carry on with what you’re doing.”

I wrestled her legs away from me and slipped the shorts on her. “Come in,” I called. Just as I threw the covers over her, the doctor came in, along with the housekeeper.

I sat by the bedside as he examined her.

When he was done checking her over, his diagnosis was simple. “She’s showing symptoms of heat stroke. But with a few days of rest indoors, she should be better with time.” He prescribed some drugs for her and went on his way.

“Onion soup and French bread is on its way to you,” I said.

She reached up to kiss me. “I can’t stay in bed for too long, so please don’t force me to. I’ve never been to France before and apart from this opportunity, I don’t know when next I’ll get the chance. I want to explore the city with Yulia and you.”

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