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The Silken Web

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“You’re perfect,” he murmured. “Just the right size. Not too large, not too small. Infinitely female.” He lowered his head and flicked his tongue over the taut nipples, watching as they enlarged under his attention. “Beautiful,” he whispered. Then he closed his mouth around one eager bud and it was cherished in a most gratifying way. His lips trailed to the other breast as he said, “I wish you still had milk. I would have loved to taste it.”

Her hands lowered and she wrapped them behind his neck. “I’m sorry you find me lacking.”

“I find you lacking in nothing.”

His hands wandered over her rib cage and onto her stomach and abdomen. Sensitive fingers fluttered over the auburn delta, fanning it gently, then moved lower to separate, find and please.

A small, satisfied moan issued out of her throat as his lips followed the course charted by his hands. When he knelt between her thighs and lifted her to receive the tribute of his mouth, she offered no resistance. He kissed her into sweet oblivion, deeper and more wonderful than any she had known. With the heat of his mouth, he branded her as his.

Before she was swept away by a floodtide of passion, she clasped his head with her hands and cried, “Erik, not that way. With you.”

He raised himself over her and melded his body with hers. He plunged deeply and she closed around him. He stirred, expanded, touched her womb. Withdrawing, he nudged the secret spot with the smooth, glistening tip of his manhood. Then he was within her again, stroking her. The cycle was repeated until Kathleen thought she would dissolve. She heeded his words and didn’t hurry it. They had time. Eternity. For surely this was rebirth.

When they finally allowed themselves to succumb, they did so together and became one in body and in spirit.

* * *

“I’m starving,” Kathleen said from the bed. She was sitting up against the headboard with the sheet pulled up to her chin. Erik was standing at the window watching the clouds as they rolled east over the ocean. The storm was spent and only a remnant of soft rain was left in its wake.

Erik turned and grinned boyishly at her. “It’s no wonder. I think we burned up about ten thousand calories since last night.”

She blushed prettily. “Well, if one needs to lose a couple of pounds, I can’t think of a better way to diet.”

“You don’t need to lose any. You’re too skinny as it is.”

“Skinny!” She dropped the sheet as she sat up in indignation. “I’m not skinny.”

He looked at her breasts unabashedly. “I’ll concede that some parts are more filled out than others.”

Kathleen threw a pillow at him, but he deftly caught it before it could do any damage. “I guess you’re hoping that I’ll chivalrously volunteer to go get us something to eat.”

“I think that’s the least a gentleman could do. You didn’t even buy my dinner.”

“My clothes will get wet again,” he whined.

“So you’ll just have to take them off again. And I couldn’t possibly wear clothes and make you feel self-conscious, so I’ll just leave mine off, too. But, of course, if you’d rather not…”

“I’m going, I’m going,” Erik said as he pulled on his semidry jeans and shirt. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” He winked as he shut the door behind him.

She moved only enough to rest her forehead on her raised knees. “I won’t think about it,” she averred to herself. “I won’t think about the consequences of this, or anything right now but being with Erik. I love him. Surely I deserve this small time out of my whole life. Don’t I? Don’t I? I won’t think about responsibility or loyalty or duty or morality. Tomorrow doesn’t exist. Today he’s with me, loving me. I refuse to think beyond that. I love him. I love him.”

When he returned carrying a sack of groceries, she welcomed him with open arms.

He laughed as he shook water out of his hair and onto her naked skin. “See, you’ve already broken your promise never to get me wet again.”

“I broke it when we got in the shower last night,”

he teased as he bent to kiss her on the nose. “You weren’t complaining then.”

“I was being polite,” Kathleen said righteously.

“Polite! I’ve heard of southern hospitality, but, baby—” She stuck a sweet roll in his mouth to shut him up.

He had bought them doughnuts, fruit, crackers, cheese, potato chips, chocolate bars and a can of tuna—which was useless, since they had no way to open the can. Nevertheless, it was one of the happiest, if one of the most unbalanced, meals that either of them had eaten. They ate it picnic-style on the floor. Erik had changed out of his wet clothes, but they decided to uphold a semblance of civilization and wrap towels around themselves. Erik insisted that it was only fair that hers come no higher than his, so they compromised on the waistline as the line of demarcation. He did allow her, however, to drop her string of coral beads around her neck. “They hang in such a naughty place,” he remarked, tracing the line of beads.

When they had eaten all they wanted, deciding to save the leftovers for later, she reached for a hairbrush. Rising to her knees, she faced him and started raking the brush through his hair.

“I’m glad your hair grew back around your scar,” she said as she found the faintly pink line marking the head wound he had suffered in the airplane wreck.

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