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Cross (The Gibson Boys 2.5)

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Her palm rests in mine, her skin soft and warm. I have half a notion to throw her back in the truck and take her home with me, but that’s not what tonight is about. Having her in my home, in my bed, for the last couple of days has been a dream come true. Tonight is about showing her how good we are together outside of the bed. Outside the gym. In front of all our friends.

“Are you sure about this?” she asks, looking up at Crave.

“Hell, yeah I’m sure about this.” I’m sure about a lot of things. I squeeze her hand tighter. “It’ll be fun.”

The door is pushed open from the inside and a couple exit. I usher Kallie in front of me as a stream of music and laughter fills our ears. My hand rests on the small of her back and I hope she takes it as a sign I’m here for her. In reality, it’s to sturdy myself.

My usual ability to stay calm despite the situation is gone. My fingers flex against the fabric of her shirt, my blood pounding through my veins. This is the one thing I’ve always wanted: my girl walking with me on a mundane Friday night.

Heads turn as we enter and shouts of “Hey, Kallie!” echo over the music. She waves at a few tables of people we know as if she just saw them yesterday. It’s as natural as the day is long and a smile tips my lips.

She reaches for my hand. I take it and then tug her, bringing her to a stop. Her back to my chest, I hover my lips near the shell of her ear.

“If you decide you want to leave,” I say, my arm going around her and my fingers splaying against her belly, “just say the word.”

Her head falls back to my chest as her perfume floods my senses. “Keep it up, bud, and we won’t get a chance to sit.” She presses her ass backward.

“Kal …” I growl before her giggle cuts me off.

“Behave, Cross.” She flips me a look before heading toward the bar. “Hey, Peck!”

Peck sets a bottle down in front of him and grins. “Hey, Kallie. I’d hug you but I don’t want to get knocked out.”

“Smart guy,” I say, helping Kallie onto a stool next to him before climbing on one myself. “What’s happening, Peck?”

“Not much. Just got off work and thought I’d come by and see what I can get into.”

“How was Walker today?” I ask.

“The usual.” He groans. “On the phone with Sienna. Watching Sienna’s ass when she comes in. Texting Sienna. Super fucking annoying.”

“Like that wouldn’t be you with Molly McCarter,” Machlan says, planting his palms on the bar.

Peck tips his bottle Machlan’s way. “One day it will be. One day.”

“Only if the universe hates you.” Machlan winks. Then he turns to Kallie. “Well, if this isn’t a sight for sore eyes.”

“Better be talking about us together and not her. I’m not above busting your ass, Mach,” I say, half-kidding.

He stands straight and holds out his calm, even hand. “I’m shaking.”

“Fucker.” I laugh.

“How are you tonight, Machlan?” Kallie asks, looking at him sweetly.

“Can’t complain. Actually,” he says, leaning against the bar, “I’m probably a little better than usual now that you’ve taken that asshole off my hands.” He looks at me and grins.

“Can you get me something to drink?” Kallie asks Machlan.

“Sure. What do you want?”

“I don’t know. I don’t drink much.”

Machlan chuckles. “What level we looking at? Buzzed? Karaoke? One-night stand?”

That last part was for my benefit. I try not to react.

Kallie’s hand hits my thigh just a half an inch from my groin. I cup mine over hers and hold it in place.

“Probably buzzed. I don’t sing and your buddy here might have something to say if I went with one-night stand.”

“Damn right,” I say, stroking her hand with my thumb.

“I vote for the one-night stand,” Peck chimes in.

“Peck? Today’s not the day,” I warn.

He peers at me around Kallie. “And why is that?”

“I told you to behave,” Kallie says, swatting at me. “I’m going to use the ladies’ room. Is Nora around?”

“She’s in the back talking to Kip.” Machlan rolls his eyes.

“What did she do?” Kallie asks, mouth hanging open. “Kip is the sheriff now, right?”

“I’d guess she did him.” Machlan snorts. “I just stay away from the store room when he needs to debrief her.”

Kallie makes a face as she gets off the stool. “Ew. Okay. I’ll avoid that area. Be right back.”

I watch her walk away, ignoring Peck’s comments. She stops a few times and says hello to random people and it’s all I can do not to follow her.

“You got it bad,” Machlan says, pulling my attention away from the bathroom door.

“Nah,” I say, taking the beer bottle from him.

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