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Trouble (Dogwood Lane 3)

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Avery considers my question. She nibbles on the end of her nail as the wheels turn in her pretty little head. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, she drops her hand.

“Sustainability,” she says. “That’s what’s impressive.”

“How very green of you,” I say.

She sighs. “I mean it in terms of a relationship. It’s easy to have nice abs or to tell a woman what they want to hear. It’s harder to want to create a connection with someone that’s mutually beneficial. To build something sustainable. That desire? It would impress me.”


“Well, you haven’t seen my abs or cock, so I have faith either would work,” I say.

Matt snorts. Avery’s lips part to reply when she’s silenced by the walking hurricane that is Meredith Kelly.

“Okay, guys,” Meredith calls out as she prances into the room. “Let’s go ahead and get this ball rolling. I’m trying to figure out how we can incorporate a pet rescue into this whole dynamic because wouldn’t that be amazing? Children helping displaced animals feel loved, and animals helping children cope with the trials of life in this day and age? Apparently, that’s a bit of a permit and insurance issue.”

I turn to Matt. “It’s gonna take a lot of vodka for me to cope with this circus.”

Meredith stops and places her dog on the floor. She runs a hand down its back before it skedaddles across the room, yelping at a moth.

“Where was I?” She pauses when she sees Avery. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you come in.”

“I’m Avery Perry. Harper sent me over about a painting job.”

“Yes,” Meredith almost squeals. “I have so many ideas that I can’t wait to get your opinion on.”

Avery pulls out her phone and taps on the screen. “I have some examples of my work, if you’d like to see.”

“Oh, I trust Harper’s judgment.”

“Well, that’s great and all, but Harper has only seen me cut hair. She’s never seen my painting projects.”

Meredith squints as she considers this. Matt and I look at one another. I wonder if I should say something and vouch for Avery just to keep her around when Meredith smacks her lips together.

“I just have a good feeling about you,” she says. “I’m not usually wrong about people. So if you want the job, you’re hired.”

“Just like that?” Avery asks. She gives me a bewildered look before turning back to Meredith. “I mean, absolutely, and thank you, but I won’t be offended if you want to get some references or something.”

Meredith gazes around the room with a dreamy look in her eye. Her dress flutters in the breeze coming in through the open front door. The perfume she used to spray on our work orders floats on the air, and I wonder if I should give Avery some kind of warning about what she’s getting into here. Then I think better of it.

If I warn her, she might take off. If I don’t, she’ll be stuck here with me.

Easiest decision I’ve ever made.

“I like to surround myself with good people,” Meredith says finally. “That’s more important to me than anything. When I get a vision, it becomes a part of my heart, and I want people I love and enjoy helping me bring my dreams into reality.” She smiles at Avery. “I like you. You have a yellow aura.”

“She has a what?” I ask.

“An aura,” Meredith says with a laugh. “She has a yellow energy that surrounds her.”

“And that means . . .”

“It means she’s creative and inspired and intelligent.” Meredith glances at Matt. “You’re very blue. Very cool, calm, and collected.”

“That’s me. Mr. Reliable,” Matt says.

Avery clears her throat. We all look at her as she smoothens her features. “So,” she begins. “What’s Penn’s aura?”

“Orange.” The answer is out of Meredith’s mouth quickly, as if she’s already considered the question.

“And that means . . .” Avery raises a brow.

Meredith grins. “I’ll just say this: it’s associated with one’s reproductive organs.”

“Really?” Matt responds immediately. “Did he pay you to say that?” He looks at me. “You did, didn’t you?”

“I did no such thing,” I say, quite pleased with this bit of information. “I can’t help it that my aura shows my prowess.”

Meredith laughs. “Just be careful. People with orange auras have a hard time holding on to them.” She fires a grin my way before pulling out her phone again. “Trevor is out front. Would one of you come with me and talk construction with him so I don’t relay things incorrectly?”

Matt side-eyes me. “I’ll go. I don’t want to be punched.”

“Perfect. If you two could take a look around and see if you get inspired by anything, I’d love that.” Meredith smiles wide. “This is going to be great. I know it.”

“Yeah, great,” Matt mumbles as he follows her to the door. “Gonna be splendid.”

Once they’re out of earshot, I turn to Avery. She’s toying with the hem of her shirt.

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