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Exposed (MAC Security 2)

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“Have I got to watch you and your bit on the side all day?” Serena sneered.

Wincing, I turned on Ty’s lap to face her. “Hi, Serena.” I smiled, one of those sickly sweet, girl next door smiles.

Rolling her eyes, she looked back to Ty and said, “Isn’t it time for the little girl to go now? We have adult things to discuss.”

“Watch your mouth, Serena,” Ty warned, wrapping his arm around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. “Kay is an important part of this team.”

“She works for you?” she said, in that screechy voice again. Turning my eyes to Luke, I grimaced at the sounds that she made. He smirked and hid his chuckle behind a cough, making my own smile spread.

“Yes, she works for me, not that it’s any of your business.”

“I’m still your wife Ty.” I turned to face her, catching the tail end of her smirk.

Ty tensed underneath me and let go of my waist, I could feel him try to lift up so I turned to him and whispered in his ear, “She’s just trying to get a reaction.”

“I’m not gonna have her do this, Kay, not in front of you,” he growled into my ear, I shivered from his breath and the soft touch of his lips as they moved against my skin.

“Don’t give her what she wants.” I warned, pulling back and looking him square in the eyes. If he was afraid of upsetting me, then that was the furthest thing from my mind.

I knew that this day would come sooner or later, I could see that she wanted Ty back but I was confident that he didn’t want her.

“Time to go Serena,” Ty said, not moving his eyes from mine.

“But…But I haven’t-”

“I don’t give a shit; you haven’t told us anything that we didn’t already know.” Smiling softly at him, I placed my hand on the side of his face and relished in the scratchy feel of his scruff. “Luke, see that she makes it off my property.

“You got it, boss,” he said brightly.

I didn’t move my eyes from Ty; not when she huffed and scraped the chair back, not when she shouted at Luke to not touch her and not when I heard all the other chairs scrape against the floor and the warehouse emptying.

I kept my eyes firmly to his.

“Think it’s about time we talked,” he said, his eyes filling with a mixture of anger and sadness.

“Yeah,” I huffed. “Let’s start with why she was here in the first place?”

“Or we could start with why you barricaded yourself in your room?”

I raised my brows at him and shuffled on his lap, his erection still poking me in the hip.

“Fine.” He chuckled. “She said that she had information on Daley that we’d want to know.”

I squinted my eyes at him. “And how would she know that we’d want to know?”

Shrugging, he said, “She knows what I do, which means she knows that I was at the charity function for work. She’s probably put two and two together.”

Opening my mouth, I was ready to tell him that there must be more to it but then I remembered my plan; there was no point in saying anything, it’d fall on deaf ears anyway. So I closed my mouth and smiled instead. I’d get to the bottom of this. One way or another, I’d make sure that I found out what she was up to.

I never expected Kay to come into the warehouse like that, especially after last night. When she walked through the door I had no idea what to expect but it certainly wasn’t what had happened.

Even though I knew what she was trying to do, I still got caught up in her lips. I always did. The way her ass rubbed against me, giving just the right amount of friction. Damn.

I’d expected her to go on about Serena when she left, she’d done that a lot lately. Saying that she didn’t trust her, but then again, neither did I. Though Kay had nothing to back it up with, she said she could see it in her eyes that night. I didn’t know what to believe so I stuck with the facts.

We hadn’t found a thing on Serena but we had found plenty on Daley, we even had a possible location that we were gonna check out.

Tapping her ass twice, telling her to get up, I said, “Let’s go home and talk.”

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