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Flying Free (MAC Security 2.50)

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“Dammit!” I shout when I stub my toe on the edge of the desk. Maybe it’s not such a good idea to try and walk with my eyes closed.

I crack one eye open and close it again, the light shining through my partially open blinds is way too bright.

“You okay in there, Ava?” Charlie asks through the door with a knock, concern edged in his voice.

“Yeah... No... Kind of,” I huff, rubbing my fingers along my head to try and stop the thumping.

After Charlie had got Jackson out last night, they’d both driven me back to the apartment. Charlie said he was staying to keep an eye on me which, in turn, meant that Jackson stayed the night too.

I told them time and time again that I was fine and that they didn’t have to stay but obviously they both got there listening skills from their father so they ignored me.

I know that they’re only trying to look out for me but if their concern was that Scott would turn up, they didn’t need to worry. I doubt he’ll be back anytime soon.

Picking up my cell, I check my messages to see if Jess has replied to me and when I see nothing I shake my head and huff. Putting my hand on the door, I open it still with only one eye cracked open. I don’t even attempt to open the other one because I can feel how swollen it is without even looking.

“Jesus,” Charlie breathes as soon as I open the door. “You look like shit.”

“Wow,” I murmur, putting my hand on the wall and letting it guide me into the kitchen. “Don’t hold back there, Charlie, say it how it really is.”

He chuckles as he follows behind me and I can feel him at my back the whole way. Just as I turn into the kitchen, he says, “You after some pain killers?”


“Go sit down, I’ll grab you some.”

Not having to be told twice, I go into the living room and raise a brow at what I see.

Jackson’s lying on the couch, his feet hanging over the arm and his head hanging precariously on the edge of one of the cushions. His mouth is hanging open and his hand is resting on his chest over his heart.

My eyes move to the floor and I spot the pillow and blanket that Charlie made into a bed. Not being able to resist, I lay down and sink my head into the soft pi

llow as I pull the fluffy blanket all the way up to my chin.

Turning onto my side, completely snuggled up, I watch Jackson as he mumbles something in his sleep.

He looks so much like his older brothers but different. My eyes move to his hand that still has dried blood on and I inwardly cringed. I’m starting to understand why Elena hasn’t introduced me to him.

“Stop staring,” he mumbles, his eyes still closed.

Gasping, I clear my throat before replying, “Sorry, I-”

“I’m joking, little Ava.” His eyes meet mine and I can see how much he’s going to get me into trouble, they’re full of mischief.

“What the hell, Jacko?” Charlie thunders when he walks back in, “Get the fuck up.”

“Jeez, calm down, Charles.” He snickers as he lifts up into a sitting position. “There ya go.” He winks at me and taps the seat next to him.

“I’m good here.” I shrug. I actually am, Charlie had taken my favorite blanket and I loved to wrap myself up like a burrito in it.

Taking the pills that Charlie hands me, I swallow them with a little water and sigh. Even though I’d said last night that they didn’t need to stay, I was glad that they had.

That was the thing that I missed most about staying with Elena and Trevor; being able to see everyone and knowing that they were really close if I ever needed anything. I’m not exactly far away now, it’s only a couple of hours at the most but it’s not the same.

I frown, wondering how Charlie had got to the station so fast so I turn to him and ask. “How did you know to come here?”

“I...” His eyes roam around the room and do that thing they always do when he’s trying to hide something.

“Charlie?” I ask again, leaning up onto my elbows. “What’s going on?”

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