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ReBoot (MAC Security 4)

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“It’s Lexi,” I interrupt, earning me a slight narrowing of her eyes.

She straightens in her chair, pulling her shoulders back. “What brought you to our little town?”

I fidget in my chair, lifting my thighs and placing my hands under them so they’re squished between them and the seat of the chair. My eyes move briefly to everyone around the table. “I’m in a program.”

I know Livvy said that I shouldn’t tell people straight off the bat where I’m from and all of my history, but I get a sense that this woman would get to the bottom of who I am and why I’m here anyway. Roy’s warning sounds in my head, “She’s a dog with a bone.”

“Oh,” she comments, cutting a piece of her steak. “What program is that?”

“You don’t have to answer that, sweetheart,” Cal says, his voice like thunder as he leans back in his chair.

“No,” I whisper, flicking my gaze up to his and forcing a small smile. “It’s fine, I have nothing to hide.” I clear my throat and look at Evan—his eyes watch me, the gold flecks flashing. “I was in prison—”

“Prison!” The woman drops her knife and fork on her plate, the clattering sound making me wince.

“Yeah… I…” I start to panic with her reaction. “It’s not what—I mean yeah I robbed the store—but I didn’t mean to hurt the police officer. He was just there and then…”

My breath catches at the look on Evan’s face. From the moment that I met him, I always thought he was an easy-going kind of guy—the kind who doesn’t judge people. But the way his jaw is clenched right now and the ticking of the muscles tells me that he’s not happy about what I just said.

“Wait.” She holds her hand up before turning to Mal and Cal. “You’re telling me, that you knew I was coming here—a police officer—and yet you still invited her?”

“Yeah—” Cal starts but she interrupts him.

“I mean I get it from you. You’re an attorney to the likes of those people. But to have one in your home?” She shakes her head, her gaze flicking back to mine. If looks could kill, I’d be dead: definitely dead.


“Excuse me?” Mal’s voice rises and I shiver from the sound. I’ve never heard him raising his voice but as he stares at her, his face goes red. “Get out.”

The whole table is silent for what feels like minutes, but it’s mere seconds before she gasps and stands up, pushing her chair out and grabbing her bag.

“Let’s go, Evan.”

Evan looks between all of us, finally his gaze landing on me, his eyes shadowed in something I can’t quite decipher. “I—”

“Now!” she practically screams.

“Son, you don’t have to go with her. She doesn't own you,” Cal says sternly.

“Evan!” she shrieks, her eyes wide in her head.

Evan closes his eyes, dropping his head before slowly pushing his chair back. “Sorry, Pop,” he says before walking toward where she stands at the kitchen door.

The sound of her heels clacking on the floor echoes before the front door opens and shuts briefly.

It’s not until I hear the unmistakable sound of Evan’s car engine that I let go of a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“What? Don’t be silly, it’s her.” Mal looks like he wants to say something else but with a slight shake of his head, he looks back down at his plate. “Who wants dessert?”

“Depends,” Livvy says. “Does it contain alcohol?”

Cal chuckles. “Is that a trick question?”

Livvy smirks and hands Mal her finished plate. “Bring the bottle of wine back with you, Mal.”

My muscles are still locked in the same position that they were when I was trying to explain to everyone what I did and why. I can’t ever seem to tell people what happened without my mouth running away with me and not being able to get all the words out in the right order.

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