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Starcrossed (Starcrossed 1)

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bending the light around it.

?Wait,? Daphne commanded. She raised a hand like she was hailing

a cab and closed her eyes. ?This will draw less attention,? she

said. Thick wreaths of pearl gray fog rolled off the water and down

the street, the long, ropy tendrils racing toward her delicately tilted


?Great Zeus, Cloud-Gatherer,? Hector said under his breath as

the scene of the accident disappeared in the fog. Then he turned to

Lucas. ?Where are you going to hide the car??

?In the ocean. We can clean it up after dark,? Lucas answered as

he plunged into the thick mist to push Matt?s lump of twisted metal

and leaking toxins off the dock.

Everyone else squeezed into Hector?s truck. The whole incident,

from Creon?s attack to their getaway, had only taken a few minutes

and they were a full four blocks from the scene before they heard

the first siren sounding through the fog.

They drove in complete silence, at a completely lawful speed, out

to Siasconset, each of them stuck inside their own thought boxes of

shock and worry. As they cruised along, Helen couldn?t take her

eyes off of Jason and Claire. Jason had started moving his hands

an inch above her body, his palms glowing like his sister?s had

when she healed Matt. He whispered in her ear. He blew soft,

sparkling breaths against her closed eyes as if he was exhaling energy

directly into her unconscious dreams.

Whatever he was doing was helping Claire, but it was also causing

him excruciating pain. A thick, slick sweat beaded up on his


graying skin as Claire seemed to settle with more comfort in his

arms and gather more color in her cheeks. By the time they parked

at the Delos compound, Jason was so spent Helen didn?t even ask,

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