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Starcrossed (Starcrossed 1)

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match, his body convulsing spasmodically, and she dropped to the


?Miss Hamilton! Miss . . . Helen. Helen, look at me,? said Mr.

Hergeshimer. He was kneeling on the floor next to her while she

panted, trying to relax her muscles. She looked up at his sweaty

face. His hair was messed up and his glasses had been knocked

sideways on his face in the fight. She wondered for a moment if she

had been the one to hit him, and then she burst into tears.

?What?s wrong with me?? she whimpered softly.

?It?s all right, now. Calm down,? Mr. Hergeshimer said sternly.

?All of you had better get to class. Immediately!? he roared to the

throngs of kids standing around with their mouths open. Everyone

scattered as Mr. Hergeshimer stood up and took charge.

?You boys,? he pointed at Lucas and Jason, ?are to come with me

to the principal?s office. Mr. Millis! Miss Aoki! You are to take Miss

Hamilton to the nurse?s office and then go directly to your next

classes. Understood??

Matt immediately stepped forward and put Helen?s arm over his

shoulder, helping her to stand. Claire took Helen?s hand and held it

reassuringly. Helen glanced up and saw Lucas looking back over

his shoulder at her as he went quietly with Mr. Hergeshimer.

Another wave of loathing broke over her, and fresh tears lined up

in her eyes. Matt guided her while she cried, awkwardly patting her

hair and getting her to walk toward the nurse at the same time.

Claire walked on Helen?s other side, shaken and silent.

?What did he do to you, Lennie?? Matt asked hotly.

?I?ve never seen him b-b-before in my l-l-life!? Helen hiccuped

and cried even harder.

?Great idea, Matt! Ask her questions! Can you shut the hell up

now?? Claire snapped, trying to get hold of herself.

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