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Just One Dare (The Kingston Family 5)

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Chloe picked up a fry and dipped it into the ketchup. “Umm…I guess I hadn’t given it any thought. I know you’ve been busy with Leah and your charity but—”

“Nick,” Aurora said, interrupting Chloe. “That night with Nick was the last time I had sex,” she blurted out.

She had been out on a date—once—since Nick. She and the guy had gone back to his place and made out, but when he realized she had a kid—courtesy of a babysitter’s phone call with a question—he couldn’t get rid of Aurora fast enough.

And her first time? That had been with some guy from high school in the backseat of his car. She hadn’t even been one hundred percent sure he’d gotten all the way inside her before he came. Eew. Why was she thinking about that now?

Chloe dropped her French fry back on the plate. “Oh jeez.”

“Right. And now I’m supposed to go out with the father of my child, who has made it pretty damned clear he’s interested in me.” Aurora sighed. “I’ve been on my own my entire life. It was hard enough to let you guys in. How in the world can I trust Nick?” She finished off her mimosa and let out a long breath. “Did I mention he doesn’t even have a home? Forget a house, but not even an apartment. He travels from city to city and stays in family hotels.”

Chloe winced. “That’s hard.” She signaled for the server and the woman walked over. “Can I help you?” she asked.

“Two more mimosas, please.” Chloe asked.

“Of course.” The server walked away.

“Another drink will help,” Chloe said, glancing at Aurora. “Now you’re going to listen to me. I understand your fear. Remember how Beck and I met? Dumped bride, remember? But sometimes the scariest things turn out to be the best things that ever happen to you. We can agree that it’ll be good for Leah to have her dad in her life, right?”

“Yes? But what do we know about Nick? The man is basically a transient. Realistically, how can he be in her life in a way she can count on? And he’s a chick magnet.” A hot, sexy man she wanted to climb like a tree. But that wouldn’t be happening because she and Nick needed to co-parent and she had a plan for her life that did not include a man.

She needed stability and could now provide it for herself and her daughter. She was an independent woman and didn’t need anyone coming in and out of their lives at a whim. Aurora knew she had an unhealthy fear of abandonment, but eighteen years of anxiety couldn’t be undone overnight.

“Sounds to me like you’re making excuses. Get to know him better, and then decide if you want him in your life as anything more than Leah’s father. And for heaven’s sake, clean out the cobwebs!”

“Eew!” Aurora cried out, then lowered her voice. “Eew. My battery-operated boyfriend works just fine,” she said quietly. “And he stays in his drawer where he belongs nor does he come with a list of demands. He’s very reliable.”

Chloe raised her eyebrow. “He doesn’t hold you at night, either. I’m just saying, try to be more openminded. And eat. Your burger is getting cold.”

“Fine.” Aurora picked up her food and took a bite, slowly chewing, savoring the taste.

She thought about Chloe and the point she’d been trying to make. Yes, Aurora missed the feeling of having a man’s arms around her, the scent of masculine cologne—Nick’s in particular. She also liked the appraising way he looked at her, those gorgeous eyes darkening when he thought she wasn’t paying attention. She felt the same quickening when she glanced at him.

But it was one thing to have sex with a man she could blow off the next day, and another to get involved with the father of her child. What if things between her and Nick didn’t work out? Leah would be the one to suffer. And Aurora couldn’t that that happen.

She had to admit that she was looking out for herself, too. She’d been hurt enough as a child. Neglected, unwanted, ignored and thrown out on the street as soon as she’d come of age. If she let him in, Nick would be in her life forever. But she could’t deny him access to his child.

She took a deep breath, decision made. She’d go out with him, and tell him all about his daughter, and anything else he wanted to know.

But she’d be sure to keep her distance.

That way, nobody would get hurt.

* * *

After dropping Leah off at school on Monday, Aurora’s next stop was the boutique baby store in town. After all, she couldn’t walk into Dash and Cassidy’s place empty-handed. She was sure baby Freddie wouldn’t want for anything, so she picked out a few of her favorite items, things she’d often used when Leah had been born.

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