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Remy (Golden Glades Henchmen MC 4)

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Maybe there was some merit to that.

Somehow, though, the events of the night were kind of, I don’t know, putting everything into perspective.

Had Remy been violent?


But toward men who had deliberately hurt me. Who were going to do far worse to me if they’d been given the chance.

Violence for the sake of violence was never acceptable.

But violence to protect someone who could not protect themselves?

That sort of seemed okay to me.

Be it a person or an animal.

Everyone should have someone to stand up for them when they can’t do it for themselves.

And, well, maybe that someone in my life could be Remy.

“I don’t need a week. Or a night,” I said, shaking my head.

“Lark, take some ti—“

“I don’t need another minute to know that you are a good man, Remy. You’ve been nothing but good to me. To the animals. Even to Myles. Just because you are capable of violence doesn’t mean you are bad. I think we are all capable of it. But what makes us good or bad is the reason for it.

“Those guys at Iced Out? Those were guys who wanted to hurt me for no reason. You said they are guys who hurt innocent people as a form of initiation to the gang. Those are bad guys. There’s a difference.”

“There is,” he agreed, nodding.

“And I know you would never deliberately hurt me. Well, actually, that’s not true,” I said, shaking my head at him.

“What? Babe, I would ne—“

“I distinctly remember a time I said something was hurting and you just kept on making me feel it,” I told him, a smirk tugging at my lips.

“Hey, that was punishment for what you’d done to me earlier that day,” he reminded me as his hands settled on my knees.

“That’s true,” I agreed, looking up at him.

“Hey, you know what is a great way to stop pain?” he asked as his hands danced up my thighs.

“I really don’t think I’m in any shape for that,” I reminded him. If you’d have told me a day ago that I would be turning down sex with Remy, I would have said you were crazy. But the fact of the matter was, the idea of jostling my shoulder made me feel a little queasy.

“For sitting back and relaxing?” Remy asked even as his hands got to the waistband of my pants.

“Remy,” I hissed, already hearing my voice getting thicker with desire. “We are in a public place.”

“Yeah, we are,” he said, smirk going devilish as he started to yank at the waistbands of my pants and panties until my shameless ass moved to one side so he could slide them down, then the other.

It took him no time at all to get them off my ankles, then spread my thighs wide on the table before getting to his knees and moving between.

There wasn’t even a moment of hesitation before his mouth was on me, sucking my clit in for an agonizing second before working it side to side with his tongue in a slow, steady pace that had him driving me up quickly as I struggled to keep my lips pressed together, to keep any noise from escaping me.

My one good hand grabbed a handful of his hair, holding him against me even as his hand moved between us and thrust inside.

He wasted no time there, either, turning his fingers inside of me and gently stroking against my top wall, making the sensation of need even more acute until it was impossible for me to fight it, and the orgasm slammed through my system.

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