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Remy (Golden Glades Henchmen MC 4)

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I could save only five.

There were at least seven or eight left.

But it was all I could do.

So I turned and walked.

Yes, walked.

Because I wasn’t sure how the dogs would react at first.

It wasn’t until I got everyone out behind the building that I pulled them into a run.

I had everyone but the scarred dog in the backseat, choosing to bring him in the front in case he was going to get aggressive.

So I put him in the passenger seat, and was just getting to my door, feeling the beginnings of relief that came with success and freedom, when I heard someone running up behind me.

My stomach dropping and my heart shooting up into my throat, I whipped around just in time to catch a fist to my face.

“You stupid bitch. Did you think you would get away with it twice?” he growled as more fists slammed into my face.

I was, admittedly, not a fighter.

I didn’t know a single thing about self-defense save for the whole, you know, ball-kicking thing. And maybe an eye-gouge.

But I guess I never anticipated how fast an assault could happen, how it was so difficult to think past the pain as you felt the force of a grown man’s anger on your face, as you started to taste your own blood.

So all I could do was just… take it.

My attacker seemed to get tired of hitting my face, and one of his fists swung low, catching me in my ribs, the pain of it sending me downward as the pain stabbed through my center and stole my breath.

It was right then, in a crouched, prone position, that my savior took an unlikely form.

The snarl was low and deep, and I could feel little claws nip into my shoulder as he bounced over me from the passenger seat, and launched himself at my assailant.

The initial curse broke off in a scream as I tried to force myself to lift up just enough to drop my ass onto the driver’s seat, then scoot my legs in.

I had enough sense to stab my finger into the ignition button before I turned back to see the dog’s body on top of the man. And no small amount of blood everywhere.

“Buddy, come on. Come on. Good boy, come on,” I called, refusing to leave my savior to sure death when this guy’s friends showed up. “Come on. We need to go,” I cried, desperation growing.

Finally, I let out a whistle that had him immediately turning, staring at me, then running over.

I tried to grab him, but it was impossible, so I waited for him to jump over me before slamming the car into reverse, not even thinking to close my door at first.

“Oh, God,” I hissed when it felt like the car ran over something.

Or… someone.

“Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God,” I whimpered as my door slammed itself shut as we peeled off with the metallic scent of blood in my nose.

I wasn’t sure at that point if it was mine or his.

Panic swirling through my system, I reached for my phone, dialing Myles immediately.

“All safe?” he asked, tone calm.

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