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Remy (Golden Glades Henchmen MC 4)

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“What kind of place?” I asked.

“It’s a clinic in my old neighborhood. The main doctor who runs it… I know her.”

“By ‘know her,’ we all assume you mean you fucked her,” Levee said, wincing as Cato let out a string of hisses as he pressed harder on the wound in his stomach that didn’t want to stop bleeding. “I sure hope you didn’t fuck her over.”

“It won’t be pleasant for me,” Seeley admitted, shrugging. “But she will take care of Cato.”

“And maybe when she’s done with that—“ Myles started, getting cut off by Levee.

“Yeah, then maybe she can slap a bandage on your baby graze, man.”

“Hey, sorry I am not accustomed to getting shot. Some of us are smoothie makers, not crazy criminals.”

I ignored that, grabbing my phone and dialing Huck.

“Feel like this can’t be good,” Huck said on the other end.

“Cato took two shots. Good ones,” I added as Seeley pressed his foot into the pedal harder. It was stupid to speed with illegal guns in the car, so the fact that he was doing it told me he was genuinely worried about Cato.

“Shit. Where are you?”

“On our way to a clinic in Seeley’s old neighborhood.”

“Fuck that. Take his ass to a hospital. We can deal with the cops later.”

“Cato said no to the hospital,” I told him.

“Fucking stubborn-ass kids,” Huck grumbled. “I need updates.”

“Three down. We have Lark’s friend, Myles.”

“Who has also been shot,” Myles said, voice loud.

“His foot is grazed, I clarified.

“Seeley? Levee? You?” Huck asked.

“Levee had a graze on his neck. Bleeding like a bitch, but it doesn’t look bad. Seeley and I are fine.”

“Okay. Good. Give me a call when you know how Cato is doing.”

“Will do,” I said as Seeley flew into the lot of the clinic, parking right out front.

“Hey, you can’t—“ the security guard started to warn as Seeley rushed around the hood of the car. He shut right up, though, as Seeley dragged the barely-conscious Cato out of the car.

“Call your uncle,” I demanded as we climbed out behind Levee.

By the time we made it into the clinic, Cato and Seeley were gone, tucked somewhere behind the bulletproof glass and metal detectors.

“Hey, you need to come back too,” a male nurse called, looking at Levee when he tried to sit down in the waiting room alongside normal men, women, and children who were likely there for smaller ailments.

It seemed to say a lot about the area that no one seemed the least bit fazed by Levee and his neck wound.

“I’m fine. Take care of my friend,” Levee insisted.

“We’re taking care of your friend. But it isn’t fine. I can’t have you bleeding all over my waiting room,” he said, waving toward the metal detector.

“I’m bleeding a bit too,” Myles said, voice taking on a flirtatious edge as he spoke to the attractive male nurse.

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