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Shadow Fire (Shadow Riders 7)

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The more he talked dirty to her, the more she bucked her hips, frantic for release. Twice he kept her hand from straying between her legs. “You don’t get to say when you get off. I say. This was a punishment. Dario thinks I’m too easy on you because you enjoy this so much, but you don’t like it when you don’t get what you want, do you, bébé?”

He heard her swift intake of breath, the realization that he might really deprive her of release after all the buildup of sexual need.

“Elie, please. I learned my lesson.”

She was so far gone, he doubted she could even tell him what that lesson was at this point. He guided her off his lap and had her bend over the side of the couch, placing her hands in the cushions. She was so short. That placed her little ass right in front of him. He was grateful for the hearth she could stand on.

“I’m tempted to remove your little jewel and fuck you in the ass for your shocking behavior,” he said as he dropped the drawstring pants and kicked them aside. At her gasp, he kicked the plug up another notch and watched the frenzied movement as it seemed to pound away inside her forbidden hole.

“Elie.” She sounded nervous.

She was slick and hot and he didn’t need to worry about getting her ready. He simply lodged the broad head of his cock in her entrance, caught her hips and slammed home. Hard. Deep. She was always tight, the friction nearly unbearable when he first entered her. Now, with the plug, there was almost no room at all. His cock felt as if it was being strangled in a silken vise. His fingers dug into her hips, dragging her back into him as he surged forward, driving through her tight folds, again and again.

It was exquisite torture for both of them. He felt every tiny movement of her body, the way the muscles clamped around him, sucking and gripping. Tongues seemed to lap at him, millions of them, wet and wild, streaking white lightning through his body and down his spine. Lights burst behind his eyes. Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs almost in time to the pulsing dance of the plug as it pounded a counter rhythm in her ass, matching the hammering of his driving cock.

He felt the boiling and churning in his balls, the tension rising, and did his best to stop it. He didn’t want this to end. Brielle sobbed his name in growing pleas of desperation, adding to the feral way he felt, primitive, bordering on savage and out of control. She pushed back into him, just as wild as he was.

Then her body shuddered. Seized. Clamped down with vicious force, a powerful storm of pure fire that took him with her. Lightning seemed to fork through his veins and spread through his entire body. Her scorching-hot tunnel squeezed down on his shaft, a tight fist, determined to milk him dry, twisting and grasping greedily, shooting fiery streaks through him until he couldn’t think straight, until he was mindless, somewhere else, burning in a fire of heaven—or hell. Or both. He wanted to stay there forever.

His cock pulsed and jerked, coating her inner walls with rope after rope of his seed. Each time he thought he couldn’t give her any more, she managed to wring more out of him. The aftershocks were nearly as powerful as the orgasms rolling through her. He collapsed over her back, his arms around her waist to hold her to him, his cock buried as deep as he could possibly be. She lay over the arm of the couch, breathing raggedly. Neither spoke for the longest time. He managed to reach down and fish around for his pants so he could get the remote and stop the plug from moving, realizing the frantic movements were continuing to trigger the shocking waves in her body.

“Taking it out, bébé. Take a deep breath,” he warned her and grasped the jeweled toy and pulled steadily. Her body didn’t want to give it up at first, and the movement triggered all kinds of powerful waves and aftershocks he received the benefit of. His cock was rewarded with a fresh bath of liquid fire.

Elie closed his eyes and savored the feeling of sharing her body. Whenever he was in her, whether he took her slow and easy, loving and gentle, or hot as hades, he always found himself reluctant to leave her. As much as he wanted to be selfish and stay inside her as long as possible, she needed care. They’d been playing a long time and her body had to be sore. He also wanted her to feel his love for her—his acceptance and joy in this side of her. She hadn’t fully come to accept or understand the need she had of playing this way yet. He didn’t want her to be embarrassed. He wanted her to feel loved.

“Let me take care of you, Brielle.” He helped her to straighten up slowly. “Are you dizzy?”

She shook her head, but leaned into him. Elie waited until he knew he was steady and then he swept her into his arms. She stiffened for just a moment before relaxing against his chest. He’d noticed she’d done that before when he’d picked her up.

“Do you think I’m going to drop you?” He carried her through to the master bath. There was the slightest edge of humor to his voice. Sitting on the wide edge of the tub, he started the bath for her, pouring in oil and salts to help with any bruising and soreness. It was easy enough with his longer arms to hook a pillow and attach it to the end of the sloped tub to rest her head. He also lit two of the large round candles on the tall pillars he’d bought specifically because, in her preferences, she said she liked taking baths by candlelight.

When the tub was filled, Elie wrapped his arms securely around her and lowered her into the hot water. She hissed as the water closed over her sore body, but she leaned her head onto his chest, eyes closed.

“That feels good. Stings a little, but still good,” she murmured. Her voice was low enough that he had to strain to hear.

“We’ve got to talk about tonight, Brielle,” Elie said, brushing kisses into the wild mass of hair she’d secured to the top of her head. All those crazy curls made him want to pull that knot free and let her hair tumble around her face and down her back. “I want to know how you felt. I know how your body did, but how did you feel?”

Brielle didn’t reply right away. He was used to the way she thought things over. “Having someone ‘almost’ see us was really hot, just the way I fantasized. It actually was crazy hot, but I know I wouldn’t like being at a club or in a public place. As it was, even though my body definitely was frantic for sex, I wanted more darkness. More shadows.”

He rubbed her arms gently, grateful Brielle was able to communicate clearly with him on anything to do with their sexual relationship. At first, when she was so adamant that she didn’t want to marry him, he was worried that it was because of this—they both liked kink and she didn’t want him to know. That wasn’t the case; she was open and honest with him.

“I’m not certain I want to do it again very soon,” she said. “One thing I did like was the shock of not knowing he was going to just walk in on us. That he might see us in the hall while I was going down on you. That was especially hot, that he just might stroll all the way in. When we were talking in the great room, my body was on fire and I couldn’t follow the conversation very well, or what exactly was happening around me, but I was uncomfortable because he was so close.” She tipped her head up, her eyes meeting his. “Is it going to bother you if I can’t bring myself to go to the clubs and be on display like that?”

“I had already made up my mind I was never taking you to a club. Not ever.” He dropped another kiss on her forehead as satisfaction gleamed in her green eyes. “I didn’t mind Dario in the kitchen, because I knew he actually couldn’t see us. I’d studied the angle and made certain the lights were just right. Giving you what you wanted was the goal. That and testing both of our limits. That, I think, was mine.”

“He really couldn’t see us?”

“Just a darker shadow if he strained. The cabinet is set back against that far wall. I asked him to stay by the counter, which he did. I made sure to test every position before I allowed him to come over.”

She nuzzled his chest with her chin. “You always make me feel safe.”

“You are safe with me. I’ve told you repeatedly, you will always be safe with me.” He rubbed his chin on top of her head, the bristles along his jaw catching in her curls. “The scene in the great room went too far for me. There was no way to control the fire. It was as low as I could make it. Every now and then the flames flared up and I wasn’t certain how much of you Dario could actually see and I didn’t like that feeling. So, we won’t be doing that again unless I’ve set up a better-controlled scene.”

She snuggled closer into him. “I’m glad we’re on the same page, and I’m glad it won’t bother you that I wouldn’t be comfortable at the clubs, exposed like that. You always had such a reputation. I didn’t think I could keep up with you.”

“I didn’t really give a damn about anything, Brielle. I was a very young man, hot-tempered, angry, acting out. That was a time in my life I’m not so proud of.”

“I watched you all the time,” she murmured, her voice drowsy.

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