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Shadow Fire (Shadow Riders 7)

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Leone Palagonia and Raimondo Abatangelo, Brielle’s two bodyguards, had been trained by Emilio Greco, Stefano’s cousin and head of security. Elie had received training as a personal protector from him and knew firsthand how thorough he was. Few could surpass him when it came to training his men. Elie knew his wife was not only protected by the two men, but the security of the house had been reviewed by Emilio as well as the Ferraro family. He should be satisfied that she was safe, as long as she was there, but for some reason, he had this nagging feeling in his gut he couldn’t quite get rid of.

The truth was, he preferred to watch over her himself. He couldn’t very well insist she travel with him through the shadows when he’d told her he didn’t want her going into them unless it was absolutely necessary. Stefano had the time to go with him to seek out Dino Colombo. He wasn’t very happy that his brother-in-law had been targeted and he was more than willing to make that known. Elie knew Stefano didn’t want Emmanuelle to go after the Colombo family or the Santoro family unaided, which she was more than capable of doing.

Elie waited until the pilot for the Ferraro aircraft had opened the door and stood at the top of the stairs as if he needed fresh air. The pilot, Franco Mancini, had thrown on overhead lighting, casting shadows up the stairs so Stefano could slip inside and then Elie. Once both men were inside and out of sight due to the covered windows, Franco stamped around a little and then came back inside, closing the door.

“Text the others and tell them to cut it short and come back when they can make a graceful exit,” Stefano ordered. “Use code, Franco.”

Franco nodded. He turned and went back up front. Elie picked up one of the reports from Stefano’s investigators. “You read this already?”

“Haven’t had the chance. They just came in. I had Franco print them out for us. Didn’t want to put it on our phones. We can burn these.” Stefano picked up the second copy.

There was silence while they both hurriedly read through the reports. Elie swore under his breath. “They thought this was acceptable? I’ll be paying them a visit.”

Stefano glanced up. “Elie, I understand you’re pissed. I am, too. In all fairness, the report Brielle handed over to the Ignazio investigators didn’t have anything at all to do with the shadow riders or any case they were on. The investigators were most likely overworked as it was and, not knowing what to do, handed Brielle’s report over to Interpol. They removed her name to protect her, but when an Interpol agent followed up and wanted to know who had turned in the work to know how credible it was, they were given her identity.”

“Which was absolutely wrong,” Elie pointed out. “Nor did they warn her they were going to and they didn’t tell her they’d done it.”

“No, they didn’t, but you can’t just go after them. You have to go through channels.”

“I’m an Archambault, Stefano. I am the channel you go through.”

Stefano gave him a faint grin. “I notice how you make that work for you when you want to, Elie.”

“What’s the point of having the cursed name if I can’t use it to my advantage once in a while?” Elie continued to scan the document. “If Brielle’s report was passed around to several departments, any corrupt agent could have discovered her name once it was attached to it.”

“That was my thought as well,” Stefano agreed.

“I don’t like that the Ignazio investigators simply handed out her information,” Elie said. “It’s possible one of them was bribed.”

Stefano nodded. “Or threatened. The Toselli family plays rough, although if an investigator is threatened, they merely have to go to a rider and the threat should be handled immediately. The council would sanction any kind of retaliation and an investigator would know that.”

“So, they were careless, or they took a bribe. Either one is not good.”

Stefano flashed a faint smile. “I thought my brothers were bad, but you’ve taken on all my worst traits and have the arrogance and savagery of the Archambaults. When we head for Barcelona, Elie, I might just give you so much work, you won’t be able to come.”

Elie couldn’t help but laugh at the empty threat. “We’ll see.”

“You’re sure about your woman.” It was a statement of fact.

Elie inclined his head. “Absolutely.”

“I can see it in you. Almost from the moment you laid eyes on her in the chapel, definitely in my office. There was resolve in you like I’ve never seen before. You weren’t about to let her slip away from you. Did you ever find out the real reason she didn’t want to stay married to you? Because she’s one hundred percent attracted to you. I’d say she might even have genuine feelings for you. She’s far too intelligent to believe the bullshit her sister spewed for too long. At least she had to question it.”

“I think the problem is she does have genuine feelings for me and that scares the hell out of her. Neither one of us has a very good track record when it comes to family loving us. That translates to a lot of insecurities. She can relate through sex, and her intellect, but she fears handing over her heart to me. I can’t really blame her.”

“You making certain there’s no chance of losing her?”

Elie knew his smile was ruthless. “I’ve tied her shadow so tight to mine, I’m surprised it can breathe with all the knots I’ve tangled in it. Every moment we’re together, I add more. I think I’ll be doing that until the day we both die.”

Stefano nodded approvingly. “I do the same with Francesca. She’s my world. I’m not so easy to live with and I never will be. She knew that going into our marriage, but knowing it and living with it are two different things. I try to remember what she has to live with so no matter what, when we clash, I force myself to listen to her. I can be terrified for her safety, and that’s what makes me the craziest, but I still listen. She needs me to hear and acknowledge her point of view. I can’t always give her exactly what she wants, but I do my best to come close.”

“I hear what you’re saying, Stefano,” Elie said. He did hear. It was just that . . . “Brielle has a different personality than Francesca.”

Francesca was the heart of the Ferraro family. Even Dario had to acknowledge that. He’d fallen a little bit under her spell whether he wanted to admit it or not. She was sweet and compassionate, traits Brielle had in abundance, but Brielle was also a fierce warrior and she would go her own way in an instant.

“Brielle will defy me the moment she thinks I’m in danger or you’re in danger or anyone else. She won’t think twice. She’s got a wild streak in her, one I love, but one that could definitely get her in trouble. I think from the beginning that was half the attraction to her, back when I noticed her in the places she worked. She was too young and I was all about defying the Archambaults. I’ve got my personality and she’s got hers and we’re bound to clash in all-out wars.”

Stefano poured Elie a drink of whiskey, handing him the crystal glass and then pouring one for himself. “Maybe, if you allow it to go that far, Elie, but you’re the one in control. She likes it that way and that’s your one advantage. It’s up to you to keep that advantage. You have to know her so well that you anticipate what she’s going to do before she does it. How she’s going to react to any given piece of information. If you know ahead of time her reactions, you can prevent arguments and stop the behaviors that could possibly get her killed.”

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