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Somebody Like You (The Heartbreak Brothers 4)

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“Who’s Mark?”

“He’s on the JV team. Can I go?” Michael’s tone was short. She wondered if somebody was listening to him.

“How are you going to get there?” There was no way she was letting him ride in another teenager’s car. At least not without vetting them first.

“Mark’s mom is here. She’s driving us. Is it okay?” he asked quickly.

“You’ll keep your phone on at all times. If I call, you pick up. This is your chance to prove to me that you can be responsible, okay?”

Michael sighed. “Whatever you say.”

“I mean it, Michael. If anything goes wrong, that’s it. You’ll be spending every Friday with me and Josh for the rest of your life.”

“Nothing will go wrong. I promise.” His tone was more conciliatory.

“Okay.” It was her turn to sigh. “Call me when you want me to pick you up. Have fun.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Putting her phone down, Mia let her head fall back onto the car seat behind her. She was pleased her boys were making friends. But there was a little chunk of her heart that disappeared every time they were away.

A sudden thought over took her. Cam! They were supposed to be meeting at the diner. Oh lord. She ran her tongue over her dry lips, because the thought of sitting alone with him and having dinner made her tense up all over.

She’d cancel. Simple. He wouldn’t want to eat with just her, anyway. Dinner was supposed to be about putting Michael at ease, and Cam couldn’t do that if Michael wasn’t there.

Picking up her phone again, she unlocked it, then let out a grunt of annoyance when she realized she didn’t have his number. She’d given him hers, but he hadn’t messaged her yet. She thought about texting Becca, whose number she did have, but what would she say?

Hey, can I have your brother’s number?

Hell no. That wasn’t going to happen.

She was resigning herself to the fact that she’d have to walk into the diner and call the whole thing off when she saw a large, familiar frame stroll into the parking lot. Thank you, Jesus. Unbuckling her seatbelt, Mia flew out of the car, reaching Cam right as he was unlocking a black SUV.

“Hey,” she said breathlessly. Cam looked up, his brows lifting.

“Hey. Everything okay?” He glanced over her shoulder at the Honda. She’d left the door open in her haste to catch him. “Are you having problems with your car again?”

She shook her head. “No. It’s all good. I just wondered if we could take a raincheck on dinner. The boys have both gone to friends’ houses to eat. They’re new and I didn’t have the heart to say no when they’re still in the friend-making stage. I’m sorry. I hope I haven’t inconvenienced you.”

He looked at her for a long moment. “But you still have to eat.”

“I’ll make myself something at home.”

“Why don’t we go anyway?” he suggested, his voice light. Then seeing her expression, he added, “As friends. Nothing more. Maybe you can tell me a little more about Michael. Give me some insights into his psyche.”

“He’s a teenage boy, I’m not sure I have any insight.”

Cam laughed. “Maybe I can give you some insights, then.” His smile was slow and sexy, and it was only by force of will that she didn’t blush.

“I’m not sure…” she trailed off, because it was hard to find the right words. “I’m new in town, and if people see us eating at the diner alone, they’re going to talk. Even if we both know it’s innocent, they’ll still talk. And my kids don’t need their mom being gossiped about.”

“Yeah.” Cam nodded. “I can understand that.” He ran a finger along his bottom lip. “How about you come to my place?”

Her mouth dropped open.

He squeezed his eyes together. “Shit. I didn’t mean anything by it. We can eat, talk about Michael, and then you can head home. I’ll grab us something on the way.”

That was such a bad idea. Not just because people would talk, but because something inside of her that had been dormant for so long had come to life, warming her, making her skin tingle and her heart race.

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