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Cherish Me (Rough Edges 3)

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We are going to be stuck with each other for the next two days, and hopefully, we don’t get sick of each other. This is a good test to see if we still work like we used to.

“So, since we don’t meet them until tomorrow... I was thinking we could go out to a nice dinner tonight.”

He side eyes me, trying to pay attention to the road. “Oh, really. Are we going Dutch or you going to allow me to pay so it can be an official date?”

“It’s still a date even if I pay. Plus, then I don’t feel compelled to sleep with you.”

Who am I kidding? I’d love for him touch me. Dinner might be what we need to get back into the groove of things. I already know the perfect dress to wear, and he’s going to love it.

We get to the airport after a drive of mostly listening to music, and Aiden takes my suitcase from me as we check in and then go through security. The flight isn’t that unpleasant, and once we get to my place, he seems shocked.

“You live here?”

I nod, and put the key in the door to open it. “Why?”

“It’s nicer than I expected. Don’t lawyers usually have to pay back all their loans before they technically make any good money?”

“Scholarships, remember? I didn’t have to take any loans besides at the end, and it’s not that much.”

The home is a recent build with pillars in front of the house, and my favorite part about it is the vaulted ceilings. I’ve always wanted them. I let him take in the living room, and the grand staircase before he moves into the kitchen.

“Now, this is a kitchen that makes me want to cook.”

The double island kitchen has all stainless steel new appliances and granite countertops with radiant navy blue cabinets. The pantry is the size of my old bedroom, and off to the side is the laundry room that could handle a whole team’s clothing. It’s nice to know I can afford nice things, but other than the house and my car, I spend very little.

“Wanna see upstairs?”

He nods, and follows me up the staircase. “This is the master bedroom. It has a shower and jetted tub in the bathroom with walk in closets and a double sink. The other bedrooms down this hall are nice too with a bathroom in each.”

“Exactly how much money do you make now? Holy crap. This reminds me of that show Cribs on MTV a long time ago.”

I’m not going to discuss my salary with him, but it’s not like he’s hurting. He got that trust fund from his parents, and should still have the majority of it. Does he not remember I’ve been to his house? He’s living good too.

“Let’s get settled in, unpack our stuff, and then we can go out to dinner,” I say. Honestly, traveling always exhausts me, and a nap sounds great, but if I take one, then I know I wouldn’t sleep later.

We go back down the staircase and retrieve the luggage. I let him choose which room he wants, and I lug my suitcase on top of my bed to put everything away for now. I’ll take new clothes and shoes when I go back, and then I’ll deal with the laundry once I’ve returned from this whole vacation. Normally, I am a very tidy person who doesn’t like to leave things lying around, but I am not going to be home for long, and don’t feel like doing laundry yet.

After all my things are put away, I take a shower and get cleaned up before we head out for dinner. The water warms up as I gather my outfit to drive him crazy. He loves me in the color red, and a couple months ago I bought this shorter red dress with a lower neckline that accents my long legs, and this will do the trick. He’ll be drooling.

Expectations for this date are simple. We are both adults and have history, but we aren’t going to jump into anything if we both aren’t ready. My body tells me to walk into the bedroom right now, and screw his brains out, but that would be overkill. As a woman, I like to feel wanted, and if anything Aiden is good at doing that with his eyes.

I step in the shower, and let the warm water run over my breasts, as I lather my body wash in my hands and then disperse all over my body. It’s his favorite scent of mine; sweet pea. Between this and the dress, I’m totally getting screwed tonight. My thighs quiver thinking about his fingers running down my collarbone, kissing my stomach, and then his lips on areas that haven’t had attention in so damn long.

As I get out, I wrap the towel around my breasts and blow dry my hair before getting dressed, as it helps with the waves in my hair. I could straighten it, but that’s how I wear it normally and want to go with something different.

A knock sounds on my bedroom door. “You ready yet? I’m starving.”

“Give me about ten minutes. Just gotta get dressed.”

The towel drops to the floor as I slip on the red dress, black heels, and then line my eyes before opening the door. He’s standing there in black slacks and a blue button-up that is bringing attention to his broad shoulders. I wonder if he still has those sculpted abs? I used to love running my hands down them.

“Okay, I’m ready.”

His eyes drink me in, and slowly look down my body. “Fuck. That dress is hot.”

I smile, and start going down the staircase, and let him follow me, knowing he is going to stare at my ass the whole way to my car. It didn’t bother me, because getting all hot and bothered is expected. It makes the night more fun for when we get back.

We close the door behind us, and get in the car. “So, where are you talking me?”

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