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Time Exposure (Click Duet 2)

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What the hell are they doing in there?

“Don’t be upset,” Micah says. When I shift to look at him with narrowed eyes, he shrugs. “She wanted to do something for your birthday.”

For the first time in years, my birthday isn’t an upsetting day. In fact, this is the best birthday I have had since my teens. Heat spreads through me like warm honey. She intentionally planned a gathering for my birthday. Not just so she and I could spend time together, but also so others could celebrate too. God, I missed celebrating birthdays and holidays and monumental occasions with her. They were never elaborate, but she added flare to the day.

“I’m not upset,” I say. “Far from it. Best birthday I’ve had in a while.”

We step out of the car and take our time walking to the back door. No doubt Micah texted Shelly as we got closer, so it should be no surprise when we knock. Just as I bring my hand up to knock, the door flies open and Cora stands on the other side. She is all smiles and slightly out of breath.

My girl. My. Girl.

“I was beginning to wonder how long you were going to sit in the driveway,” she says.

“You knew we were out here?” I ask.

“Yeah. Shelly saw you turn onto the street. Come in, come in.” She waves us in and her excitement is infectious.

Micah steps past her and wanders into the house. But I step up to her, my mouth an inch from hers. ?

??Thank you. This is perfect.” I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead.

“You’re welcome. Glad you like it.”

“I love it. I love you.”

She squeezes me tighter. “I love you, too. Come on, everyone is waiting.”

We step into her small house. Once in the open space, I scan the rooms. Added to her normal decor are shiny happy birthday banners and cheesy kid’s decor. On one wall is a plastic version of pin the tail on the donkey. The moment I see it, I burst out laughing. She loops her arm in mine and keeps us going forward.

On the kitchen countertop is a small round cake, Happy Birthday piped in white over the black icing. Next to the cake is an array of finger foods and alcohol. When I glance over at the dining table, which has a couple chairs added to the ends, I spot a small pile of gifts next to a stack of board and card games.

“I vote food first,” I say.

“Second that,” Micah chimes in.

And just like that, we all clamber into a line and grab platefuls of finger foods. We clear the games and gifts from the table and gather around to eat. When our plates are almost empty, Shelly pipes up and suggests I choose the first game. I riffle through the choices and go with the adult version of Watch Your Mouth.

For the next thirty minutes, each of us slobbers over semi-dirty phrases that sound absolutely filthy. Cora tries for a solid two minutes to say something no one can translate. While this happens, I pull out my phone and record a video of the whole show. I will definitely be watching that over and over. After we have all laughed our asses off, we opt to take a game break and dish out cake.

Cora and Shelly make a show out of adding twenty-nine candles to the cake and lighting them. The lights go out and everyone sings happy birthday to me as Cora holds the cake between us. The entire time everyone sings, I stare at her. Watch the mini-candle flames flicker on her skin. Take in her smile, remembering how long it has been since I saw her smile like this. Genuine and wide and happily. When the song finishes, I silently wish to spend every day of the rest of my life with Cora, then blow out all twenty-nine candles in one breath.

Cora smiles, then takes the cake in the kitchen. She hands me a big enough piece of cake for two and I take it back to the table while she finishes cutting it.

With a forkful of chocolate cake in my mouth, Shelly shoves the stack of gifts toward me. “Happy Birthday, Gavin.”

I thank her after I swallow. “You didn’t have to buy me anything.” After I shove another bite in my mouth, I unwrap the small box. As soon as I see the package, I spit cake out of my mouth. “What the hell, Shelly?” Thank fuck Cora is still in the kitchen messing with cake. Not sure if she would be embarrassed or giggly or shocked.

I stare down at the one-hundred-count box of condoms and shake my head. When I peek up at Shelly, she shrugs in the same manner Micah does. “Not like you won’t use them. Especially if you guys are back together. Plus, they were on sale at Costco.”

As discreetly as possible, I wrap the paper around the box again and push it aside. The other two gifts are simple and normal. A gift card and a card with cash. Somehow, I will use the cash and card to buy them all something in return. I don’t need gifts as long as I have Cora. She is the greatest gift of all.

For the next two hours, we play cards and shoot the shit with each other. Tonight is the most enjoyable evening and birthday I have had in a long time and I bask in the sentiment. My mom or parents always did nice things for me over the years, but it was never the same as when I was with Cora. Now that she is back in my life, I will never let anything break us apart again.

Erin yawns and it starts a ripple effect throughout the room. Within ten minutes, Erin, Shelly, and Micah pile into Shelly’s car, and Jonas hops on his motorcycle. In the blink of an eye, only me and Cora stand in her house. And the solitude is heaven.

I help her clean up a few things that need to be put away now. After, we sit on the couch and simply hold each other. Only with her is silence comforting. I close my eyes and enjoy the warmth radiating off her and soothing me. Reminisce in the affection and warmth we once shared as I dream about what the future holds.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” she whispers into the dim-lit living room.

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