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Ruthless Rival (Cruel Castaways 1)

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“We can stop pretending we hate each other. All evidence points to the contrary.”

“Never really bought into the whole diet fads. When I want to eat something—I do.” She shrugged. “Maybe I’m reckless.”

I snorted a chuckle. “A reckless woman would’ve called me a minute after she found out her book was missing. When did you realize, by the way?”

“About half a second after I opened my eyes.” She licked her lips. “Give or take.”

“Why Atonement?” I asked again. “Out of all the books in the world, you chose this. Why not Austen? Or Hemingway? Woolf, or Fitzgerald, or even Steinbeck?”

“Guilt.” She pressed her lips together, squinting at the darkness in front of her. “Atonement is about guilt. A small act of thoughtlessness made by a child, and how it threw so many lives off the rails. I guess . . . I mean, I suppose . . .” She frowned again, two sharp lines forming between her eyebrows. “I don’t know. I guess the more I grew up, the more that book grew with me. Each time I read it, I’d find another layer I could relate to.”

“Does this have something to do with the one who got away?” I asked tentatively. I was treading too close to the truth. I no longer recognized myself around her.

Arya straightened her spine, jerked from a thought that shook her. “Why am I here, Christian?” She dropped her fork into her half-eaten waffle, turning to me. “You wanted to sleep with me, and you did. You left without a note, without a text, without a call—but with the one thing you expected would make me crawl back to you. What kind of game are you playing? You’re hot one moment, cold another. Tender, then moody. I don’t know if you are my enemy or my friend. You keep skating in and out between the territories. I cannot figure you out, and if I’m being completely honest, I’m reaching the point where the mystery outweighs the allure.”

I took her waffle and carried both our take-out dishes to a nearby trash can, where I disposed of them to buy time. When I returned, I sat next to her. Her fingers were wrapped around a take-out tea.

“I’m not done with you,” I confessed. “I wish I was, but I’m not.”

“You go about things like a fourteen-year-old.”

Because that’s the age I was when you discarded me.

“In that case, how about we start over tonight? The trial will be over in a few short weeks. If we keep things under wraps, it could work. We can enjoy each other in the meantime, then go our separate ways.”

Arya considered this. I kept my smile casual. She had all the power. She could say no, turn her back on me, and go her merry way. But I would never stop desiring her. I’d taken the first, the second, and the third step. I kept seeking her out.

“Fine,” she said, finally. This was my cue to take out my final note. I passed it over to her.

“Another one?” Her eyebrows jumped to her hairline, but she still took it.

“Last one,” I said, watching her face as she unfolded it.

Step 3: Have sex with me at a library.

This time when she looked back at me, there was no amusement in her eyes. “Are you insane?”

“It’s a possibility,” I admitted.

“I mean, let’s start with the obvious—the library is currently closed.”

Tucking my hand into my peacoat’s pocket, I took out a key to one of the side doors. “Problem solved. What else?”

Arya’s eyes flared. “How?”

“I know someone who knows someone who may or may not work here.”

And I paid him a lot of money to make this happen, I refrained from adding.

“Well, the next reason why it’s insane is because it’s illegal.”

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

“Yup. It’s going to sound like a double-spread scandal in a tabloid.” She flashed me a don’t-be-cute glare. “We might get caught.”

“We won’t.” I stood up. “Trust me. I have a two-hundred-million-dollar case and a partnership on the line. I’m not going to throw it all away for a fuck, no matter how fun and dirty.”

But now that I’d said it out loud, the weight of the stupidity of this act pressed against my sternum. That made Arya perk up instantly. She shot up to her feet too. Perhaps the sheer possibility of my screwing up my career cheered her up.

“Sounds like a challenge to me.”

Yeah. No perhaps about it. Definitely.

We walked around the building until I found the door I was looking for, turned the key in its hole, and pushed it open. It was pitch black inside. The warmth of the library paired with the scent of old pages, worn leather, and oak slammed into both of us. Arya’s hand found mine. I squeezed her hard and led her into the study room.

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