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The Sheik's Rescue

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He pulled her closer again, still looking down into her eyes. “You’re not fine, Calista. Why are you upset?”

She sighed, but he relaxed slightly when she shifted, still using that damn sheet between their bodies, but she put her head against his chest. It wasn’t enough, but it was a start.

“I’m not upset.”

He growled, pulling her closer. “Calista, I can feel your body trembling. I hurt you and if you don’t tell me how, then…”

“I’m just…” she sighed, her palm coming to rest against his chest. He loved having her touch him. Damn it, he wasn’t a cuddly person normally, especially after sex. Once he’d been with a woman and they’d both enjoyed their time together, Goran preferred jumping into a shower and getting back to work. He had very basic needs and he didn’t like a woman to distract him once his needs were fulfilled.

Not so with Calista. He wasn’t exactly sure what he needed right now, but her hand against his chest was a damn good start. Getting rid of the sheet would also help! He didn’t want to feel just small parts of her skin against his. He wanted to feel every inch of her, to know that he could run his hands over her skin and feel her heartbeat against his chest!

“Talk to me, honey,” he urged softly, trying to smooth out the rough tone of his voice. He wanted to encourage her to tell him what was wrong, and his voice sounded…gruff. Angry.

“I don’t think I can put into words what I’m feeling, Goran,” she said.

His frustration with her lack of an explanation eased slightly when her hand slid along his stomach, then came back to rest against his chest once more. It was a good thing that she hadn’t left her hand down low because, although he’d had a climax, he was more than ready to explore Calista once again. He craved the sound of her cries when she came to her own satisfaction. It was like an aphrodisiac!

Shifting, he moved over her once more. “Calista…”

She put a hand to his mouth, and he considered biting her fingertips. Not hard, but they tasted good. Instead, he kissed the tips, causing her to smile.

“You climaxed. I know that.” He said it, but he also wanted confirmation.

She blushed and turned her head away. “Of course I did. But…?” Just at that moment, her face paled and she looked up at him.

Calista froze as a thought occurred to her. “Goran, by any chance did you…?”

He lifted dark eyebrows at her question, but at least her tone brought his eyes back from her breasts. He couldn’t see much because she kept the white sheet covering her body. But she was starting to understand the look in his eyes. He was ready for another round while her body was…well, she was suddenly terrified.

“Did I what?” he asked softly in that deep, gruff voice that she loved.

“Did you…use…protection?” she finally got out, swallowing past the panic that was slowly choking her. They’d gotten into the cabana, but she was pretty sure that the supplies they’d requested hadn’t yet been delivered. And just thinking about the food and toiletries that she’d asked for…condoms hadn’t been on that list! But had Goran thought to ask for them?

The blank look in his eyes warned her that his mind wasn’t going in the same direction as hers.

“Protection? What kind of…?” he stopped, his mind catching up with hers. For a moment, he looked stunned, shocked at the omission. Then his features morphed to grimness and she worried that he wouldn’t answer her. But he shook his head. “No. I hadn’t thought about it. And even if I had, I don’t think I would have remembered.” He lowered his head, resting his forehead against her sheet-covered chest. “I’m sorry, Calista. I didn’t protect you.”

She let her fingers dive into his hair, the softness somehow comforting. “It wasn’t your fault,” she whispered, her lips numb.

He lifted his head. “What are the odds that something could come of our activities?”

She bit her lower lip, counting back the days. And weeks. With a sigh of relief, she relaxed. “It’s okay,” she told him. “This is probably the wrong time of the month for me to get pregnant.”

He stared at her hard, his eyes searching her features. “Are you sure?”

Calista laughed, her body shifting as much as it could while still wrapped up in a white sheet with a giant man on top of her. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”

He was serious for another moment, then his features cleared, his eyes lighting up with deviltry. “So…we can try that again?’ he asked. “I won’t climax inside of you. Even if this is a bad time of the month, I won’t put you at risk.” He shifted again, his body already hard and ready for another round now that the danger was diminished. “But there are many variations on that previous theme that could be…interesting to explore.”

Calista laughed, shaking her head. “I think I’m a bit too sore for another round.”

His eyes turned serious. “You said that I didn’t hurt you.”

“Yes, that’s true. But I’m just…” she blushed, not sure how to finish her statement. “Well, let’s just say that I’m not used to this form of exercise,” she finished lamely.

He stood up, his features appearing almost mischievous as he paused beside the bed. “I have a cure for that,” he told her, bending down and, a moment later, he lifted her into his arms, minus the sheet.

“Goran! What are you doing?” she demanded, trying to cover her naked breasts even while trying to hold onto him at the same time.

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