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Sofia (The Corsetti Empire)

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The command wasn’t to be fucked with, and her body wanted desperately to comply. She could feel it slowly gaining momentum again as his piercing hit her deep inside. The tingling in her womb was familiar, yet different. It was as if her body was answering his need with her own. Her body tensed and she wrapped her leg around him, encouraging his movements as much as she could from the way he had her pinned down.

“That’s it, that’s my good little Nixie.”

The praise ignited the flame that had been growing inside her and she yelled out as her second orgasm took over her. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body. Just as hard as the first one, but longer, deeper, and more intense than the first. When her body went slack under his hold, Ozzie turned off the wand and laid it next to them. He gripped her with both of his hands, pushing himself into her again and again until she felt his sweet release coat the insides of her most delicate places.

“Fuck.” he ground out, collapsing on top of her, holding himself up with one arm so he didn’t crush her.

Fuck was right. It was the only thing running through Sofia’s mind in that moment, and if she could speak, she would have seconded his comment. If this was what it was like after a night at The Citadel, then she may never leave. Everything they watched together, everything they did tonight, only heightened things once they made it to bed. She wrapped her arms around Ozzie, holding him tight, and had an uncontrollable urge to bite into the soft skin between his neck and shoulder. She kissed it lightly, then sucked a little harder. He groaned on top of her as her tongue darted out to taste him and then, without warning, she opened her mouth and bit down, moaning with her satisfaction, feeling his warm skin between her teeth. His body went still, and she immediately worried she’d gone too far. But the worry didn’t last long. When she pulled her teeth away, he looked down, pushed her messed hair from her face, and thrust his hips forward. She would have thought he’d be done, but not a chance. By his second thrust, he was just as hard as he had been when they started. She felt him large and pulsing within her and let her legs fall to the side as he looked her in the eyes and began fucking her again.

“Did you just claim me, little Nixie?” he grunted out as he continued to fuck her much slower than before.

She smiled up at him, realizing that maybe she did.

“I think so,” she whispered, reaching up and pulling him to her so she could kiss him as he made love to her again.

It made no sense how badly they wanted each other, how much they needed the connection between the two of them. She looked into his eyes as he did hers, until her body arched into his hold.

“I want you to watch me,” he said, pulling from her quickly and bringing her to her knees. Someone had placed a mirror on the side of the bed. Sofia hadn’t thought much about it earlier, but as he made her face it and spread her legs, she saw the advantages of having it there. Ozzie was on his knees behind her and entered her carefully this time. His movements were always deliberate and thought out. His hands ran up her body, lifting her chest so she could see herself in the mirror. One hand reached for her neck as the other slid between her legs.

“Watch yourself,” he murmured into her ear and she looked forward as his hand tightened slightly around her neck, “I want you to see what I see when you come. It’s the most amazing sight in the world.”

Ozzie continued to fuck her slowly while he circled her clit with his fingers. Never making direct contact, just enough to tease and help build within her the fire that had barely dimmed. She leaned her back onto his chest as she watched his fingers move gently between her folds. He was right; it was hot as fuck. This was a moment that she would burn into her memory and never forget. Ozzie Ashford was slowly turning into her newest addiction. As her climax began to burn through her body, she realized how much she loved the feel of his hand wrapped around her neck.

He had her pulled flush against him when he whispered, “I won’t hurt you.”

His hand came up over her mouth and nose and her eyes went wide. She could breathe well enough, but the fear that coursed throughout her only intensified the growing climax inside of her. He pinched her nose closed and the restriction of her airway and loss of oxygen was more than her body could handle. He thrust into her from behind, holding her head steady while depriving her of air. She had no choice but to watch as pleasure crashed into her body. As soon as the first wave began, he released her mouth, allowing air back into her lungs. It burned as her body clenched around his and, for the second time that night, he emptied himself into her.

Sofia was dazed and her body was useless as Ozzie laid her down gently on the bed, pulling her to him and holding her tightly. He stroked her hair as she closed her eyes and whispered the sweetest things to her. He told her how good she did tonight, how he had underestimated how much she needed this and how much he needed her. Ozzie made promises of the future and covered her with kisses as her body slowly began shutting down. After some time he got up and covered her with the warm duvet. She heard him run water in the bathroom and must have dozed off for a bit. When he returned, he picked her up as if she were a baby cradled in his arms and walked with her to the bath he had filled. He turned the lights down low and the water was soothing. He had stepped inside and lowered them both into the oversized tub. She didn’t move, but kept her arms around his neck and held him tight as they relaxed together amidst the warm water.

After sometime Ozzie reached to the side for soap and a washcloth. He cleaned them both while she stayed quiet, watching his movements. He wasn’t rough or fast, but gentle in every touch. She winced when he ran the cloth between her legs.

“You may be sore in the morning,” he whispered into the darkened room.

“It’s okay,” Sofia said sleepily, “I love the way it feels.”

Ozzie dipped his head to her shoulder and kissed her. “If that’s the case, then I’ll do what I can to make sure it happens often.”

She smiled at him and when they were through, he wrapped her into a large towel that he had laid out on a warmer. Sofia’s legs wouldn’t hold her, and she didn’t even fight to try. Instead, she let him carry her from the bathroom to the bed and pull her body on top of his, where she fell soundly asleep.

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