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Lynch's Rule (Ruthless Sinners MC 9)

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He had our naked three-month-old son cradled in his forearm like a football as he raced over to the sink. His mouth was open, and he was making gagging sounds when he turned on the water and reached for the sink’s sprayer.

When he started spraying water directly into his mouth, I jumped back and gasped. “What in the world are you doing?”

“He y-eed in ma n-outh!”


“He peed in my mouth!”

He continued to spray water in his mouth as he coughed and hacked. Miles started to whimper, so I reached over and scooped him into my arms. I looked down at our son, and my heart swelled. Out of all the crazy stunts I’d pulled, there was nothing that had given me a thrill like holding my child—there was no better feeling in the world. And the fact that my vision had cleared enough for me to see his beautiful face made me feel truly blessed.

I ran my hand over the back of his little head and whispered, “It’s okay, sweet boy. Momma’s got you.”

Conor immediately turned to me with a childlike pout. “Oh, don’t you go and be all sweet with him. He did that shit on purpose.”

“What! He’s only three months old!”

“I’m telling you, babe. He had this look in his eye.” My normally rough and tough biker husband sounded like he’d lost his mind as he pushed, “I’m telling ya. He knew what he was doing.”

“It’s official.” I shook my head as I looked down at our precious son and smiled. “You’ve completely lost it.”

“You say that now, but you just wait until he does that shit to you!”

Frankie had to bite back her laughter as she came over to us and offered, “I have experience with tricky little boys. I’ll finish changing him.”

“Thank you.” I handed her our sweet boy, and once she walked out of the room, I turned my attention back to Conor. “Are you done with your little meltdown?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” He shook his head and smiled. “I gotta give the little guy credit. He’s got good aim.”

“Yeah, he most certainly does.”

“Just another one of the many things he got from his ol’ man.”

“Yeah, the list just keeps growing.” I giggled as I slipped my arms around his neck. “I get the feeling he’s going to be a handful—just like you.”

“I certainly hope so.”

“Why don’t you go see if the guys need a fresh beer or anything, and we’ll let y’all know when the cobbler’s ready.”

“And Miles?”

“I’ll feed him and put him down for the night.”

He nodded, then leaned down and kissed me. “I’ll check in on him once you get him down.”

“Sounds good.”

He gave me a small pat on the rear, then turned and headed back into the living room with the brothers. The girls and I spent most of the night in the kitchen, sharing stories and laughing about the crazy things that had gone on in our lives. It was something we did every time we were together, and it had become something we all looked forward to.

When the night was done and everyone had gone home, Conor helped me put the dogs in their kennels, and then we both headed to the nursery to check on Miles. As we looked down at him sleeping in his crib, Conor slipped his arm around my waist and said, “He’s really something, isn’t he?”

“Yes, he is.”

“When are we gonna start working on a little brother or sister for him?”

“Do I need to remind you of the fiasco earlier with Miles and the whole peeing in your—”

“No, I remember it all too well.” Conor looked down at me with love in his eyes. “But having a little girl who looks like you and has your smile would make it all worthwhile.”

I giggled. “Well, when you put it that way.”

“Is that a yes?” When I nodded, he smiled, then leaned down and lifted me into his arms. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—my life was made the day I found you.”

“Mine, too, and I have a feeling it’s just going to keep getting better and better.”

The End

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