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The Sheikh's Irresistible Proposal (The Sheikh's Every Wish 1)

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He sat back down and took a sip of coffee, his gaze returning to her the second he put the cup down.

Hannah eyed him suspiciously over the china as she let the hot liquid warm her throat. “What?” she asked, feeling a little uncomfortable under the heat of his glare.

Sadiq grinned slowly, as if he were trying to tease her with his amazing smile.

Her stomach flipped again and Hannah cursed herself as she gulped down more coffee, hoping to wrestle her insides into compliance. “What?!” she asked again as she put her coffee down.

“How did you sleep?” Sadiq asked, paying no mind to her discomfort. Or maybe he’s just enjoying it. Hannah reminded herself that this was probably all part of his game. But she wasn’t going to be one of playthings.

She sat up straighter, ran her fingers over her skirt and looked him in the eye. “I slept like a queen,” she said, realizing the inappropriateness of the words no sooner had they left her mouth. Darn it, she thought. Here comes the nervous jibber jabber again. But Sadiq rescued her before she could do any more damage.

“Good,” he said, smiling again as he reached for his tablet. “I hope so. Because that’s how I want you to be treated.”

Hannah felt the flip-flop again. Did he mean that he wanted to spoil her? Was he implying that she was going to be his queen someday? The crazy train started to rev its engine, but Sadiq stopped it before it could even pull out of the station.

“I make sure all my guests are treated like royalty when they stay here.”

Hannah felt her hopes dashed; he was thinking about her the same way he would any other guest. She smiled at him and turned away to look out the window. She hadn’t even noticed the pool and incredible gardens when they had arrived at the palace last night. Or was it this morning?

“What time is it?” Hannah asked, realizing she had no idea what time of day or night it might be. She suddenly started feeling a little out of her element.

Sadiq looked down at his tablet and opened his mouth to speak, but Naasir answered for him.

“It’s 11:45 in the morning, miss.”

Hannah looked at Naasir and then at Sadiq. Eleven forty-five? She hadn’t slept that late since, well, she couldn’t remember when.

Sadiq noticed the look on her face and smiled again. “Don’t worry. It’s totally fine. I had plenty of business to catch up on. Besides, your performances don’t begin until next week.”

“Next week?” Hannah asked, surprised by this new information.

“Yes, next week.”

“So why am I here now?” she asked, remembering to keep her thoughts to business and business only.

“Well,” Sadiq said, as he stood up and stretched. “I thought it would be nice if you got to see some of the country first.” He saw Hannah’s stunned expression and then quickly added. “I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

“Um, yeah, of course. Yes,” she stammered. “That’s fine. It’s just that I could have arrived later. I mean, you don’t have to take the time to show me around, to…” She fought to get control of her words. “It’s just that I could have worked an extra week at the club, is all.”

She realized how pathetic she sounded. Here was a man, a sheikh, getting ready to pay her half a million dollars, and she was worried about taking a week off of her lousy-paying job back home.

“Well,” Sadiq took her hand as he lifted her up from the chair, “correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you just quit your job?”

Hannah felt the heat rising in her cheeks. He was right. She had just quit her job at the Blue Moon. But she had a catering job, and it paid the bills, more or less. Sadiq didn’t know about that yet, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to tell him.

She flashed a smile at him. “Well, I guess you’re right about that,” she said, unwilling to concede that he was absolutely spot on. “So, anyhow, I’m here now. What is it that you want to show me?”

Sadiq’s face lit up. “Well, there’s so much to see. I mean, I could show you the ruins at Balaar, the City of Katnuk, also known as the Brilliant City, Shimab, the Holy Dome…”

“Okay, okay,” Hannah said as she raised her hands and laughed. “I get it. There’s a lot to see here.”

“An awful lot,” Sadiq said, failing to curb his enthusiasm. “Where would you like to start?”

Hannah thought about it as her stomach rumbled again. “How about we start with you showing me the kitchen. I’m starved!”

“Of course, I’m sorry,” said Sadiq. “We’ll start with breakfast. And then, when you’re good and full, I’ll take you on a tour of the palace. How does that sound?”



After spending a while meandering through cavernous rooms and hallways, Hannah and Sadiq finally reached the palace kitchen, where a short, very round woman who looked to be in her sixties was preparing food.

“Maala,” Sadiq said. “This is my friend, Hannah.” The cook looked up from the dough she was rolling out as Sadiq turned to Hannah. “Hannah, I’d like you to meet Maala. The best cook this side of the Dead Sea.”

“This side of every sea,” Maala quipped. She walked around the counter and looked Hannah up and down. Then she placed her chubby hands on Hannah’s cheeks and kissed each one. Hannah smelled flour and spices on her hands and smiled as she pulled away.

“Sadiq, I’m glad you brought this one here. She looks like she needs to eat!” Maala said sweetly as she scooted back around the counter. “You two sit down. I’ll have her fattened up in no time.”

Sadiq shrugged at Hannah and she smiled back. She felt so comfortable around him and his staff—even if they certainly didn’t act like staff.

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