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Serpent's Claim (Serpent's Touch 2)

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“The queen!” they shouted, gesturing up. Thousands more cheers and shouts followed as others tilted their heads, staring up at me.

I gestured for the voice amplifying devices to be moved from the dais to the railing. When that was done, I spoke.

“People of Lorsan. I promised my loyalty to your king, but I want to make a vow to you, too.”

A roar rolled over the lake in response, resonating with the shock of the crowd. It was unprecedented for a ruler to make promises to the entire kingdom. For any gorgonian, such promises would be impossible to keep because of so many different opinions and interpretations.

As a human, I simply spoke from the heart, meaning every word I said.

“I promise to rule this kingdom with your best interests in mind. I’ll always strive to make the life of everyone in Lorsan better. I promise to be fair, just, and kind. I promise to take every opportunity to learn how to become the queen you deserve—your queen.”

Words like that had never been heard from any of the kings or queens of Lorsan before. People seemed stunned. Only a quiet rumbling scattered above the surface of the lake.

Everyone knew human promises were easy to give and retract. Speaking to a crowd of thousands, however, I had thousands of witnesses to hold me accountable to every word. I meant what I said, and I was ready to deliver on my promises.

The meaning of it slowly settled in the minds of the gorgonians, and…they cheered. Waving their arms, senties, and paddles in the air, they balanced on their boards, climbed onto merchants’ food rafts, or clung to the low growing branches of the nearby trees.

The cheers weren’t just for me. Some were for the king. Others shouted congratulations on the wedding. But regardless of what they screamed, they wished well.

I laughed, waving energetically with both hands.

Councilor Delahon appeared at my side.

“Very good, Your Majesty. Let’s go back to your throne now.”

“I wish I could be down there, on the lake.” I kept waving at the people gathered under the royal trees.

“It’s impossible. And dangerous. Your place is next to your husband.” He got hold of my elbow and gently but firmly maneuvered me back to the throne on the dais.

The king patted my hand when I took my place at his side.

“Just like the crown, people’s approval is easier to gain than to keep,” he warned. “But for now… Well done, my queen.”

* * *

It was late into the night when the king and I finally returned to our respective bedrooms.

My new maids and ladies-in-waiting stripped me of my gown, bathed me again, braided my hair, and dressed me for my first night with my new husband.

They giggled and teased in good humor while rubbing me with fragrant oils, then decorating me with flowers and strings of beads, as if I really had a night of passion ahead of me.

Once they opened the doors to the king’s chamber, I entered his room and closed the doors behind me. Then, I quickly shed all the ornaments and decorations they had put on me like on a Christmas tree.

The king was already in bed. I quietly padded to my little nest by the window and put on my simple nightgown.

“Tonight, you’ll have to spend in my nest,” the king rasped in the dark. “It’s a tradition. They will expect to find you here in the morning.”

I walked over to him and climbed under the covers. Well aware that the king detested sharing his personal space with anyone, I stayed close to the edge of his spacious nest.

“Tired?” he asked. His own voice sounded rough with exhaustion.

Normally, a royal wedding would take days to celebrate. The coronation then would be another great event that would take place days or even weeks after the wedding. But the king didn’t have weeks to wait. He might not have many days left, either. Everything needed to be done fast.

I sighed. “It was a crazy busy day.”

He exhaled a laugh. “I never thought I’d end up getting married in this lifetime.”

I turned on my side to face him. “Do you have any regrets about doing it, after all?”

He lifted a braid from the side of my face and moved it over my shoulder.

“No, my river orchid. No regrets about that. I’d do it all over again if just to see the pissed-off looks on the High Lords’ faces as the crown they so desperately wanted got out of their reach.” He chuckled.

“They’ll fight it.”

“Oh, I know they will. But I also have faith that you will hold your own against all of them.”

I didn’t feel as confident as he sounded, but the stubborn determination to keep the crown I’d been gifted had already taken root in me.

“I will,” I said firmly.

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