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Four Fun (Four)

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Out of habit, I choose dare without thinking it through.

His eyes linger at various points on my body while he makes a big show of deliberating. I take another drink of beer and act disinterested, even though my skin is dancing with nerves.

“Take off your shirt,” Shane says finally.

I stare back at him, my eyes narrowed. “Fuck off.”

He lets out an amused chuckle. “Fine, it’s truth, then.” I shrug a shoulder as I bite a corner of my lip. “Who was texting you tonight? he asks.

I let out a long sigh. I should have expected this question and, in the scheme of things, it’s not that bad. “It was my mother,” I say evenly.

Shane’s brows lift in surprise. “What’s going on? What was she texting about?”

Flashing him an artificial smile, I say, “I already answered your question.” Turning away from Shane, I look at the other three men. Since I’m still feeling awkward about having had sex with Khalil earlier, I don’t want to choose him. Marcos intimidates me, if I’m being honest, so I settle on Devin.

“Truth or dare?” I ask, looking into the man’s dark eyes.


Internally, I scramble to come up with some sort of creative idea. I don’t know these men well, and all that really comes to mind when I look at Devin’s beautiful face is some sort of dare that would involve him touching me, or maybe him taking some clothes off, but I’m not going there with him — especially not with Khalil and Shane sitting here. I haven’t had enough beer to make that kind of reckless move.

“I dare you to twerk for thirty seconds,” I say as soon as the idea occurs to me.

Khalil and Shane laugh out loud, and a smile spreads across Marcos’s features. Devin laughs too, but also groans his disapproval. With urging from the other guys, he stands up, puts his hands on his hips, and wiggles his butt a little, in a move that looks nothing like a twerk.

“You can do better than that!” I cry, even though I honestly don’t have any idea what kind of dancing he’s capable of.

The other men tease him, and we all egg him on until eventually Devin moves in front of me, lowers into a half squat, and shakes his ass in a way that shuts me right up. The man has some moves, and as I watch him, I can’t help but think about other ways he could put that hip action to work. Lord.

“Was that long enough?” he asks, twisting to look at me.

I’m tempted to tell him that he needs to keep going, but Khalil says it was fine, so Devin returns to his seat.

Next, Devin chooses Khalil, and dares him to put on one of my bras. As Khalil looks at me, eyebrow raised in an amused, questioning expression, Shane jumps in. “You should take off the one you’re wearing and give it to him, Becca.”

I ignore him and run upstairs to look through the dresser drawer where I’ve stashed my underwear. After choosing the most feminine bra I can find, I return to the living room, draping the scrap of hot pink lace over Khalil’s head as I pass by.

He fumbles with it at first, sorting out the straps before he puts his arms through the loops and positions the cups over his chest. It doesn’t fit his body at all, of course, but he makes the most of it, strutting around the room, wiggling his hips almost as well as Devin did, and fluttering his eyelashes in an exaggerated imitation of a woman. Shane shakes his head, frowning, when Khalil passes by him.

The game continues with Marcos finally getting involved by having to say what the first thing is that he’d do if he suddenly became a woman. The other men chime in with their answers first, which unsurprisingly involve a lot of playing with their boobs.

“I’d like to experience a female orgasm,” Marcos says, after some thought.

“Do you think they’re very different from male orgasms?” I ask.

He shrugs. “I have no idea.”

After that, Devin is dared to make his orgasm face, which he does by scrunching up his features and mimicking a silent scream, resulting in a lot of laughter from everyone. Devin dares Shane to show us the last porn video he watched. At first, with a quick side glance in my direction, Shane denies watching porn, but his friends quickly and loudly call bullshit, until he eventually relents, pulling up a video that, also unsurprisingly, features two women getting it on.

Shane is still looking slightly sheepish and more than a little irritated when he issues Khalil a dare to shave one of his legs. When Khalil refuses, Shane says, “Then tell us when you last cried.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Devin frowning as Khalil shoots Shane a dirty look. “You know the answer to that, and if you’re trying to embarrass me, it won’t work.” Khalil’s eyes flicker to me before returning to Shane. “It was when we watched Million Dollar Baby, and I’m not ashamed of it.”

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