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My Greek Beast (Beasts in Bed)

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“Ex-reporter, and she’s more of a journalist. A news writer, to be specific.”

“Right. Right. The smart type, huh?”

“I suppose.” Nathan’s voice was curt. It didn’t feel right talking about Alyx to Rima.

Unfortunately, Rima wasn’t exactly known to pay attention to undercurrents, and throughout the ride she forced Nathan to affirm or deny all the rumors she had read about him and Alyx. By the time they reached the airport, Nathan was both mentally and physically exhausted, the former because of Rima’s ceaseless questions and the latter because Rima had kept him at the edge of his seat with the way she’d impulsively step on either the gas or the brakes, just to see him sweat.

Rima stepped out of the car when he did, watching from the sidelines as he took his luggage out of the trunk.

When he turned to her, he wasn’t too surprised to find her looking suddenly tearful. She had always been moody as hell, so this, too, hadn’t changed about her.

“So this is it, huh? You’re going to ignore us again.”

“I’ve not done any such thing,” Nathan countered mildly. “There’s not one invitation from you or Father that I’ve turned down.”

It was true, but Rima didn’t seem to be in the mood to hear the truth. “Your father and I miss you so much, Nates.”

And then she did something she hadn’t done in years---

Nathan stiffened as Rima suddenly threw herself at him, her slim arms going around his neck in a tight embrace. “I miss you, Nates,” she whispered. “I really miss you---”

He jerked away from her. “What the hell, Rima?” Nathan’s tone was harsh. “Why the fuck would you say something like that?”

Rima’s arms fell to her sides, a vulnerable look on her face even as she mumbled defensively, “Why shouldn’t I?” Gray eyes blazed at her in answer, and she took an involuntary step back.

“Because you chose him over me.”


Nathan Callis was still in a foul mood when his private jet landed in Miami, a fact that didn’t escape the paparazzi loitering in the airport. They surged towards the former model, snapping photos and shouting offensive questions in hopes of provoking a reaction from the grim-faced Greek.

“Have you and Alyx Marshall broken up yet?”

“Does Alyx ever treat you as the dumber one in the relationship?”

“What does your girlfriend say about your modeling career?”

“Do you think you’ll last?”

Yes, Nathan thought savagely to the last question even as he remained tight-lipped in the presence of the swarming paparazzi. She might not know it, but she and Nathan were kindred souls, with the way they had been cursed to fall for people who were in love with someone else.

Alyx’s mobile remained out of reach throughout the ride back to her apartment. It was empty when he arrived, Nathan having exchanged keys with Alyx before leaving for Hong Kong. She had protested a bit at first, but when he had pretended to take his apartment key away from her, she had clutched it to her chest like a lifeline.

He paced back and forth for over half an hour, swiftly and furiously at first, mostly to work out a rage that had no real target. He worked hard to keep his mind from dwelling on the past, but it was no use.

Faded images of a younger Rima drifted into his vision, carefree and gay, unlike anyone he had ever known. There was no darkness in her, and she had been like a butterfly that seemed too colorful, too vibrant and vivacious for his father.

For a few months, he had done his best to bury his attraction for her. He had thought that by denying its existence, it would go away. But he was wrong. The attraction festered like an angry deep wound that in the end, it had completely taken over him.

On one of the many days they had been alone at the house, with his father away at work, Nathan had forced Rima into his arms and kissed her. The more she struggled, the harder he kissed her, the more he did everything to seduce her---

Even now, he could still remember the triumph that swept over him when he finally felt Rima respond, her body molding against his and her mouth slowly softening, her tongue moving in to mate with his.

So many damn kisses had been exchanged that day, he had lost count of them. It was only out of respect for his father that he hadn’t attempted to make love to Rima, but when they heard his father’s car coming up the driveway and she had panicked, trying to get away from him, he had instead held on to her tightly.

Do you want me to speak to him?

No! She had whirled around, a frightened look on her beautiful face. Let me speak to him. Please.

When? And his arms had tightened around her even more, Nathan unwilling to release her until she gave him a promise.

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