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Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 4)

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“Sorry, Prez. I wasn’t thinking.”

“I know what you were thinking. Thought you’d make your own play and get that patch.” I slap his shoulder. “Let’s get you home.”

By the time I drop the stupid fuck off at his grandma’s house and get home to Alexa the sun is coming up.

I kick off my boots by the front door and lay my cut on the back of the couch, stripping down on my way upstairs to her bedroom. Can’t wait till we get moved into the new house. No more stairs. No more ugly ass couch. I wash up and brush my teeth before sliding into bed naked with my woman.

Alexa rolls over and into my embrace without me prompting her to do so. She nestles her head into the crook of my neck, and I throw a leg over her hip, pinning her in place. “Everything okay,” she mumbles with a yawn.

“Is now.” I kiss her palm. “Go back to sleep.” I stare at her for a beat making sure she fell back asleep then I close my eyes and hope like hell tomorrow is better.

Chapter Six

“You wanna come with me?” my lips skim along Alexa’s ear and she shivers.

“To your place?”

“Yea, babe.” I kiss the base of her neck where her pulse beats.

“I don’t know.” She swallows then sucks in a breath.

“I’d much rather stay here to eat and fuck you all day instead, but the house sold, and I’d like to close that chapter.” I kiss her jaw moving closer to her mouth. “I know it holds bad memories for you, and I understand if it’s something you don’t feel up to tackling.” The house I shared with Ruthie was a house of horror for her. My cunt of an ex’s father raped Alexa in that house and assaulted her a second time. It’s been over twenty years ago, but I should burn the

motherfucker to the ground. Though the money is going toward our new home. Toward our future. I kiss the corner of her mouth ready to go in for the kill.

“If you need me there, I’ll be there, but um you’re gonna have to stop touching me if you expect any work to be accomplished.” She twists out of my embrace and dumps the last of her orange juice down the drain of the kitchen sink.

“You riding with me or taking your car?”

“My car. I gotta meet up with Wylla and the girls later while you have your party.”

“Let’s move out then. I’ll follow you.”

Alexa parks on the street and I pull in the driveway. Immediately I order her to stay in the car, but her stubborn ass doesn’t listen.

“What’s wrong?” She slams her door and briskly moves through the lawn to where I stand.

“I told you ass in the car and lock them doors till I say so. Someone’s been here or may still be inside. Front door is open. Let me see that its safe first.”

“Okay. I’ll sit in your truck, honey.”

“I mean it, Lex. Stay put till I say it’s clear.”

She nods and climbs into the driver’s seat. I kiss her forehead and close the door, waiting to hear the lock engage. Once it does, I move through the garage to enter by way of the kitchen. Since I ended shit with Ruthie, I’ve been staying with my woman or at the clubhouse. My guess is whoever it was either knew I wasn’t staying here, or they targeted me and missed me. Either way I don’t believe it to be random. Therefore I’m not chancing Alexa walking in until I know there’s no imminent threat.

I ease through the doorway careful not to hit the weak spot on the floor that creaks. That’s when I spot the fucking prospect at my fridge his back to me rifling through the contents. “The fuck you doing?”

“Hey, Prez.” He turns around wearing a goofy fucking grin. “Had my grandma drop me off.”

“Jesus. Fuck. Why?”

“You gave me a key last week to start cleaning your shit or erm stuff out.”

“Right,” I mutter. I’d forgotten between all the shit on my plate. “Don’t be drinking all my beer.”

“I won’t.” He flashes me his teeth and cracks open a bottle. Fucking goofy ass bastard.

“Not a word to Alexa about last night.”

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