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The Biker's Lucky Charm (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 5)

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Fucker. This ends now.

“Be back in a second.” I kiss my wife’s forehead and stomp to the clubhouse. I go through the back door and to the bar. The place is empty for now. Everyone is outside enjoying the fight. I light up a cigarette and wait.

“Don’t be angry,” Danika starts toward me.

This fucking cunt. I snuff my cigarette out. “Told you to stay the fuck away from me. Shoulda fuckin’ listened.”

“I just wanted to apologize, but I didn’t want to upset Pam.”

“I don’t give a damn what you want. What do you think would happen if my wife saw us right now? You have any idea what this would do to her? Or

what she’ll do to you.”

“I know she must hate me. I mean I would.” She lets out a huff and grabs the edge of my shirt.

I grab her around the throat. “Don’t touch me, cunt.” I squeeze in final warning. Her blue eyes bulge as she smacks at the grip I have on her. “Best thing you can do is to get the hell out of Charleston. I see you again I’ll fucking bury you in a hole so damn deep no one will ever find you.” I let her go and return to the fight to find my wife gone and apparently so is Vince.

You’ve got to be shitting me. I pull my cell out and dial Pam as I scan the crowd.

No answer. I go over to where I last left her even though I don’t see her.

“Where’s my wife?” I question her sister.

Jules purses her lips. “She said she was going to get a beer.”


“Not long after you took off. Everything okay?”

“I don’t know.” I stalk off in search of Murder when my cell vibrates with a call from my sister. My first instinct is to hit ignore but she could be calling about Connor, so I take it.

“Talk to me.”

“Don’t freak out, but I was in the kitchen cutting up a banana for Connor. I turned my back for two seconds. Kimber was supposed to be watching him, and he fell and hit his head on the corner of the coffee table. I think he’s gonna need stitches. Can you and Pam meet me at the ER? I don’t want to scare you, but I feel I should warn you there’s a lot of blood.” My stomach drops at the sound of my boy squalling in the background.

“Call Pam. I’ll be there soon as I can.”

“Isn’t she with you?”

“Not currently. Just call her.”

“I will. I promise he’s going to be okay. I’m on my way. Kimber has him in the backseat trying to stop the bleeding.”

I go to the garage where there’s a few old bikes in storage that Grudge used to tinker around with and pray that one of them runs.

I roar away from the clubhouse with my heart about to burst up in my throat. I can’t get Pam on the phone. For all I know she’s off somewhere with that cocksucker who’d love nothing more than to come between us. All thanks to that fucking cunt getting in the way again.

Life is a fucked up funny bastard and so is his sister karma. Guess I’m getting mine.

My chest squeezes tight. If anything happens to Connor, I don’t know what the fuck I’ll do. I’m torn between going off to look for my wife or driving straight to the hospital to be with our son. I know Zoe is with him, but Pam and I should be there. Rain starts pelting against my back.

Just my damn luck that I picked a motorcycle with bald ass tires.

I was in such a damn hurry to ride out I didn’t think to put a helmet on. A fat raindrop hits my face, and I blink for a second. One second is all it takes for me to blow through the stop sign and into an oncoming car. The moment my body connects with the metal and I go sailing over the hood, my wife’s face flashes through my head. My sweet Pam. I call her that because she’s got a damn mouth on her that is anything but sweet. My back hits the pavement, and I pray that Connor is going to be okay before my head hits the asphalt. I blink my eyes as warmth spreads from the back of my head. My right leg burns, hell everything hurts.

Rain continues to fall as I struggle to stay conscious.

Chapter Fourteen

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