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Author Next Door (Temptation Next Door)

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“This is Lara,” he said. “She’s my date this evening.” He said this with so much pride I almost felt embarrassed. It actually felt wonderful to be the only thing on his mind, showing me off to everyone like I was someone special.

Everyone Chuck introduced me to seemed to like me well enough, though I couldn’t remember any of their names of their faces. I was too distracted by the way Chuck had easily settled his hand on the small of my back, by the way his cologne filled my nostrils with a scent that was both sweet, but not overpowering. I was pleasantly distracted by the lilt of his voice, by his perfect pronunciation and choice of words. He spoke like he wrote –formal, but not in an offputtingly snooty way. I was especially taken with the way he looked at me; always tender, always sweet.

We eventually found a quiet corner of the banquet hall to enjoy some drinks, the mood set by twinkling string lights and little tea candles on the table before us.

“What do you think so far?” he asked me, leaning in close to speak over the music. “Having a good time?”

“I always have a good time when I’m with you,” I said lightly.

“I had no idea you were such a tease.”

“Do you not like that?”

Chuck laughed, “I didn’t say that.”

“Thank you for inviting me to this. I haven’t had this much fun in a long while.?


“I’m glad.”

“Not to be a party pooper, but when do you think we’ll leave?”

The corner of Chuck’s lip curled up into a smirk. “Why? Did you have something in mind?”

I tilted my head to the side and bit my bottom lip. “Well, I figured since Clarissa was away at her grandparents’, that’d mean we’d have a little privacy.”

Chuck eyed my lips. “I really like how you think. I just have to say goodbye to my editor before we leave.”

I allowed my hand to slip down Chuck’s back and gave his ass a quick pinch. He jumped up a little in surprise while holding in a laugh.

“I hope you won’t keep me waiting too long,” I teased.

Behind us, a woman commented derisively, “Wow, right in front of my salad.”

Chuck and I both turned, startled. Standing behind us was an incredibly tall and elegant woman with fiery red shoulder-length hair. She was dressed in a long pink evening gown, her neck decorated with a classy string of pearls. Her earlobes and wrists were similarly accessorized, and there were several bejeweled rings upon her fingers. There was a hardness to her face, something a bit unnatural in the way her lips were swollen and the lack of elasticity in and around her eyes. She’d clearly had a bit of work done, though I couldn’t tell for certain. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, and there was nothing but bitterness behind her cold blue eyes.

He stiffened, straightening his posture like someone had stuck a meter ruler down his shirt collar. Chuck set his jaw so tight that I could see the muscles in his face tense up with stress. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t think. I could only look from Chuck to the woman, and then back to Chuck in confusion. The tiniest trace of dread began to claw at my heart, concern filling my stomach to the point of making me sick.

“Sandy,” he muttered under his breath. “What are you doing here?”

“Sandy?” I echoed in disbelief. “You mean she’s your–”

“Not very bright, are you?” she snorted.

“Don’t talk to her that way,” Chuck snapped.

“I had no idea you liked them so young, Chucky. How did you manage to convince her to come along tonight? Don’t tell me you paid her. I wouldn’t be surprised if you did just to show me up.”

Chuck stepped in front of me, blocking me from his ex-wife’s view. “Enough,” he growled. “Leave Lara out of this. What the hell are you even doing here? I thought you were back on the east coast.”

Sandy clicked her tongue, indignant. “I’m on vacation,” she answered simply.

“On Carl’s dime, I bet. I’m surprised he could afford your expensive tastes. God knows you nearly drove me into bankruptcy.”

“None of your business, Chucky.”

“Don’t call me that.”

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