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Forever Mine

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The librarian woman turns the page in her big book of rhymes and recites ‘I Love Little Pussy’. It’s the first time I’ve heard this one. I love playing and patting pussy, but I don’t think it’s appropriate. I can’t seem to get the grin off my face, yet everyone seems oblivious to the lyrics.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better…‘Wee Willie Winkie’ is on the next page of her colourful book, faced for all of us to see an old man peering into a kid’s bedroom window. It’s the stuff of nightmares. How is this rhyme still around?

Several songs and ditties later, thank fuck, that’s over.

“Callum, we usually grab a drink in the cafe now.” She points to a corner of the library where the coffee area is sectioned off. “The children can play in the small soft play area if you would like to join us.”

“Sure, why not? Steph said Caleb likes to play in the soft play area.”

Another woman holding a small baby approaches me. “Caleb, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, you know him?”

“I do. How is Steph? I heard about the accident. I was praying for her.”

“She’s getting better. She’s gonna be all right. It just takes time.” It feels so good to say it out loud and know it’s true.

The blonde turns to me as we make our way over to the cafe. “Are you and Steph together?”

I can’t be arsed to get into details or have her flirt with me again, so I lie. “Yeah, we are.” It feels good to say that too, and my chest stutters.

She looks surprised and the brunette smiles. “I’m glad Steph’s getting better. I was so worried about her. Do you have her number? I’d like to call her.”


Caleb stretches out his arms and kicks his legs when he sees the bright colours of the soft padded cubes and toys next to the tables and chairs in the cafe. I place him over the padded barrier, wedging him between two soft cubes where there are some plastic shapes scattered around him.

The brunette with the baby sits at the table next to where I placed Caleb and the blonde has disappeared.

“Let me get you a tea. Then I’ll get you her number.”

“Thank you. That’s really kind of you.”

“Will you watch Caleb for me?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Anything else?”

“No, a tea would be lovely. I’m watching my weight.”

I smile. She sounds just like Steph used to. In the queue for the till, I wave at Caleb. He doesn’t see me, but seems content enough. A homemade Victoria sponge with fresh cream catches my eye. Steph would love that. I order a slice to take away along with a coffee and a pot of tea.

Caleb’s bottom lip quivers as he looks around. I make my way back to the table quickly. “Are you all right, mate? Daddy’s here.”

I ruffle his hair, and his frown turns to the brightest smile. He goes back to playing with the large plastic shapes scattered around the floor.

The brunette pours her tea. “Thank you.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

“It’s Sally. I take it you’re Justin?”

My eyes bulge. “Fuck no. Shit. Sorry for swearing.” I glance around to check none of the mothers heard my bad language.

She waves it off. “Sorry, I just assumed you were Caleb’s dad. You look just like him. Steph said she’d split with her husband. I assumed—”

“I am Caleb’s dad. My names Callum. Long story. I’m sure Steph will tell you all about it one day.” Fuck, I’m getting myself into some right shit here. “Here, let me give you her number. She could use another friend.”

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