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The Payback (Team Zulu 2)

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Brandon approached, and my heart rate picked up as each step drew him nearer. “It certainly hasn’t been dull.” I stopped breathing when he swept my hair back from my shoulders. Tingles crept over my skin in anticipation of a touch that never materialized. “But Sage, if you’re involved, I’m up for anything.” His eyes held mine, and my brain shorted out when he licked his lips. “So my answer is yes.”

“Yes?” With Brandon so close, it took me a moment to remember what I’d asked.

“Yes, I’ll work with you to cripple the Mafia and destroy the scheming bastards who support them.”

My eyes widened, shocked that he both liked my idea and was prepared to go along with it. I’d expected him to shut it down. “You really think it’s possible?”

Brandon nodded.

My mouth opened and closed as I tried to think of a nonphysical way to show my gratitude when what I really wanted to do was throw my arms around him. I had enough sense to recognize that was a terrible idea because any time Brandon put his hands on me, I didn’t want him to remove them. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Again.” I’d dreamed of this day for years and always believed it might take the rest of my life to achieve. Truthfully, I’d imagined it might never be possible. With Brandon’s help, the Wolf Street Mob and organized crime in Philly could potentially be snuffed out much sooner. The possibilities were astounding.

A knot lodged in my throat at Brandon’s generosity. “Holy shit, this is really happening.”

“Looks like it.” He took a sip of coffee, his eyes alight with something like amusement.

I raked my fingers through my hair, pulling my locks back from my face. “Okay. When do we start?”

“How about right now?”

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