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Arranging My Bride

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I come undone in his arms as the orgasm takes me. Thankfully, Felipe is more aware of our surroundings and claims my mouth with a kiss to muffle my sounds of pleasure.

His fingers keep moving over my clit, drawing out the waves of bliss as he deepens our kiss until my body gives out. He doesn’t let me fall, but instead sweeps me into his arms and carries me over to the chair in the corner. He sits down and keeps me cradled in his lap as I bury my face in his neck and catch my breath.

He keeps me tucked close to him, not saying a word. Quiet falls over the dressing room as reality starts to come back to me. All those sweet words he said feel like they’re too good to be true, but I want to cling to them.

Felipe isn’t a womanizer? I’m finding it hard to believe, but at the same time it would explain why both my parents kept telling me not to believe everything I hear or read on the gossip blogs. Could this be the missing piece of why I was so confused with their choice for me?


“I’m right here.” His hold on me tightens a fraction, and I go quiet. I’m not sure what I was even going to say. “You can ask me anything. After all, you’re going to be my wife.”

I start to smile until reality hits me once again. I’ve done things with another man that wasn’t my intended. What have I done? Not only have I done them, but I did it knowing I was getting married. I invited them to happen, and now I’ve ruined everything.

I have to get out of here. “I need to go.” I try to wiggle free but don’t get anywhere.

“Trying to run from me again?” He releases his hold on me but not by much. It’s only enough so he can turn me so that I’m straddling him now. His hands grip my hips to keep me in place, and my words begin to fail me.

“I just…” I trail off because I don’t know what I need to do. “Are you really a virgin?” I blurt out. How have the tables turned so quickly? I should have listened to my mom from the start. She told me to trust her, and now look at what I did. I went and made everything a giant mess.

“Do you think I’d lie to you?” he challenges.

“I’d hope not. This is just so crazy. I’ve been in love with you since I was a little girl, and well…” I gasp, realizing what I said, and quickly shut my mouth. Felipe’s mouth stretches into a sexy smile.

“Oh, there’s no way you’re stopping there. You’re finishing that story.” He leans forward and brushes his mouth against mine in a soft, sweet kiss. “Please.”

“Did Prince Felipe say please?” I really must be hearing things, or I could be dreaming.

“I’m not above begging. Not when it comes to you.”

“Wow,” I breathe. “You’re a smooth talker.”

“Something only you’ll ever get.” Gah, this man is melting me. “Tell me, princess. I told you about how you captivated me years ago. I think it’s only fair.”

“I’m sure you’re well aware of all the girls growing up in this country crushing on you. I’m merely one of many.”

“You have never merely been one of many, I can promise you that.” How can I not give him what he asks after that?

“Obviously I’ve seen you around. Everyone knows your family and girls talk.” I shrug. “Back at school, some of the girls would guess or even fight over who would be picked to be your bride.”

“Did you fight over me?” He trails his finger down my breast, waiting for my answer.

“No, I tore the pages out of my diary about you when I heard that you went out with Princess Hannah.”

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