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Queen of Love

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I’m not a classic introvert, but I’m already exhausted by the thought.

Aya didn’t even need opinions while she tried on four different outfits, each one more suiting her personality than the last. Between the articulate knowledge of the shopkeepers and Genevieve’s intelligence regarding common fashion sense and what was the latest and greatest in the world of lesbian tastes, such teamwork resulted in a black suit looking much like many of the others in Aya’s closet back home. Only this one was clearly superior material than what she could usually afford. When she expressed mild concern that a lack of a shirt beneath the jacket might cause problems, Genevieve pointed out that the lacy camisole holding it all together was the shirt.

“I see.” Aya stood before the mirror while the shopkeeper adjusted the pant legs. “You know, this is not something I’d pick out for meeting your friends. This is what I would wear on a sexy date.”

“Potato, po-tah-to.”

“I… see.”

Aya went with it, though. The suit was packed up the moment the alterations were finished, and as soon as her jeans and T-shirt were on again, they were in the car heading back to Orchid Grove at the top of the hill. No time for sightseeing or fooling around when a party started in two hours.

Watch me make time.

Aya was halfway through changing for the party when Genevieve wandered out from the shower in nothing but a towel and a cloth around her hair. While she verbally went through a list of everything she needed to do to get ready, Aya came up behind her, knocked the towel off her body, and went to work covering her in kisses.

“Aya…” Genevieve’s resistance was like walking through bright-colored molasses. For every second Aya second-guessed what she was doing, she realized it was all an elaborate show to maintain some face. “We can’t. There isn’t enough time.”

Aya backed off, her lips grazing Genevieve’s bare shoulder. “There’s always enough time if you want it badly enough. Do you?”

“Are you asking if I want the woman I’m about to show off to everyone getting all up in me before the event?”

I understood about half of that. “I’m asking if you can handle a quickie right now. Who knows if we’ll have enough energy later.”

“Do you want me that badly?” Genevieve turned around, her naked body attracting every bit of Aya’s attention. “So badly that you can’t wait?”

She might as well have erected a sign welcoming Aya to urge her down onto the bed, legs open and ready to accept the woman coming for her. As Aya’s legs climbed onto the mattress, the rest of her looming over Genevieve, the word Yes was uttered.

Besides, Aya needed this. Not only had she been lusting after Genevieve since she got there, but she wanted the quick escape that five minutes of lovemaking could provide her. Planting her lips on Genevieve’s throat and touching her until she shook in elation worked.

I’ll save the rest for later. Aya had made another point, anyway. I can have you whenever I want, however I want. That thought was its most powerful when Genevieve whimpered into her pillow.

The moment was too short-lived, though. As soon as Genevieve recollected herself, she rushed into her closet and dithered over what to wear, as if she hadn’t been granted the gift of erotic escape.

Aya flopped onto her side, looking between naked Genevieve in the closet and the Bertram St. Jacque suit laid across the back of an armchair. This would be an interesting night.

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