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Getaway Girl (Girl 1)

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Addison moans, her walls clenching around my single digit. “Please. I can’t wait.”

“Me either,” I mutter, adding a second finger between her legs and listening to her cry out. “Tight girl wants a hard fuck, doesn’t she?”

“Yes. Yes.”

“Wants to get it on my desk so I won’t be able to work without thinking about her spread thighs and little pout, isn’t that right?”

Her only response is a shaky exhale.

I’ve never spoken to a woman like this before—never even been compelled to—but it’s instinct telling me Addison will respond to it. Hell, that I’ll respond to it. Nothing has ever felt more natural than releasing filth into her ear, while pressing my fingers up inside her, finding the spot that makes her jolt and tickling it, tickling it, harassing it until she screams. Alcohol. It’s the alcohol, right? I ignore the voice reminding me this isn’t the first time I’ve been tipsy during sex, but it is the first time I haven’t been restricted. Held to my daytime standard of respectful son and future mayor. Here and now, I don’t have to be a gentleman with Addison.

“Elijah,” Addison whines, biting at my ear, her strokes of my cock losing rhythm. “I want you inside me. I need you inside me.”

“Condom.” The single word scrapes out of me. “I don’t have a condom.”

“Pill. I’m on the pill,” she breathes, thumbing the head of my dick. “You can come inside me so deep, I—”

“Enough.” I can’t hold off any longer and there’s no need because my fingers are slippery and warm from her body. You can come inside me. You don’t have to be sweet with me. Those words ring in my ears as we guide my cock home and I punch my hips—once, twice—sinking my inches into heaven and hell. Her scream rattles my eardrums and my own growl joins in, flaying my throat raw. She’s too tight to move right away, but I can’t physically keep myself from holding her in place while I grind into her heat. “Go ahead,” I rasp, my lust deafening enough to drown out any remaining reservations about sleeping with my best friend. Starvation takes the wheel and I’m all animal need. “Complain some more about how I take up all your time. Complain even though you wait up for me. Made me the key yourself.”

“I love it. I love it,” she pushes through her teeth, her eyes blind. “M-move. Please.”

I wrap an arm around the back of her hips and start to thrust, my muscles ready to snap in half over the need for release. Already. Slowing down is impossible, though, with Addison’s bare backside squeaking up and back on the desk, her tits lifted by the neckline of her dress and jiggling enough to drive me insane. “You’re not to go jogging anymore in that outfit,” I say, baring my teeth against her ear. “You know the one I’m talking about.”

“No, I don’t,” she gasps. “Which one?”

“The one with the pink bra.” I lift my head to find her face flushed, excited. “The one that makes me think of every matching pink part of your body.”

Her eyelids flutter, remaining at half-mast. “You think of me in my bra, Elijah?” She leans closers, takes hold of my shirt and rips it down the middle, sending buttons pinging in every direction. “Do you think of me wearing it while you touch your—”

“Yes.” I bring my thumb between us to tease her clit, my pumps growing more forceful out of necessity. Because I’m talking about things that I’ve never spoken about out loud and I’m so close to coming, it’s like I’m being choked. “I’m sorry. Fuck. I couldn’t help it.”

“You’re sorry?” She sinks her fingernails into my ass. Hard. “What you were doing was a little wrong. Did the wrong make you bigger and harder?”

The pressure in my balls becomes so unbearable, I can’t respond, but in my head I’m answering yes, yes, yes. How does she know?

“You felt guilty looking, didn’t you, Elijah? Wanting to push up my flimsy little bra and put your mouth where you shouldn’t.” Her finger slides down the split of my ass, stopping over the back entrance, but pushing, pushing. “What else did you think about?”

“Keeping you warm in my bed.” I sense her breath catching, but my focus is deadlocked on the pressure she’s placing on me…there. “Pushing down your panties and…”

“Fucking me?” she whispers in my ear. “Show me how hard you’ve wanted to do that.”

I’m sucking in gulpfuls of air now, my mouth buried at the crook of her neck. What the hell is happening here? It’s like she reached into a part of my brain I wasn’t aware of and now she’s exploiting what she found. At this point, I’m battering into her like a beast during mating season, my cock so sensitive I can feel it rubbing her clitoris, can feel that nub growing plump as her breath grows shorter. And that finger of hers. What is she going to do with it? “Addison.”

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