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Shielded Wrongs (Bellandi Crime Syndicate 4)

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"I'm all sweaty," I protested, reaching a hand down to cover myself when he slid further down the mat and put his face level with my pussy.

"Does it look like I mind?" he asked, shoving my hand away so he could stare at me again. "So fucking perfect, even here." Trying to cover myself again, I reached but he swatted me away. "Don't ever hide my pussy from me."

"Your pussy?" I asked, my voice raising at the nerve of the bastard. He hadn't even fucking touched it, and he thought he could claim it for himself?

"Mine," he growled, ducking his head in and licking me from entrance to clit so firmly that my leg twitched in response. "Sweaty, clean, covered in my fucking cum. Mine." He inserted a single finger, pumping slowly and watching my face as he tormented me.

When he found whatever he searched for, he leaned back in and devoured me. The scruff of his stubble tickled against my skin as his tongue licked every crevice of me and claimed it as his. I moaned, reaching a hand into his hair and gripping it tightly.

Pulling him harder, I felt his amused laughter vibrate against me and nearly sent me over. "Enzo," I gasped. A second finger shoved inside me harshly, curling to stroke my g-spot as he finger-fucked me roughly. "Fuck!" I was too close, so close to the edge, but needed one more thing to find that release. The one thing he held off from giving me, only nudging my clit briefly before darting away.

"Say my name," he mumbled against me.


"My fucking name, Sadie," he growled, and understanding dawned on me through the haze.

"Lorenzo," I gasped, crying out when his lips wrapped around my clit and he assaulted it with firm flicks of his tongue until I exploded beneath him. My hand tightened in his hair, holding him still as I rode the rest of my orgasm out on his face.

I'd barely come out of my haze when he crawled back over me and reached down to pull his length free. Even in my fog, the sheer length of cock that emerged from his hand as he guided himself to my center took my breath away. His head dragged through my lips, bumping against my clit until my hips moved to give him a better angle.

He shoved inside in one rough thrust, burying himself to the hilt and filling me with him as he settled his weight over me and kissed me. Furiously pounding into me, driving in and out with powerful rolls of his hips, he held me still, so I didn't slide up the mat. "So fucking wet for me, Baby Girl," he groaned against my lips, slowing his pace as he opened his eyes and studied me.

The feeling of his eyes on mine was too intimate when combined with the weight of him settled over me. A hate fuck was one thing, but what he tried to turn it into was another.

Shoving at his shoulders, I rolled him to his back and sat on his cock, placing my hands on his abs to control my body as I rode him. Pulling my hair free from its ponytail, I let the dark curtain spread around me. It didn't even bother me when it stuck to my face, offering a veil against the penetrating way he looked at me. He let me have my way with him, riding him and grinding against his pubic bone until I shattered around him.

He pulled me off him and I winced the moment he slid free. My stomach hit the mat softly, his weight settling over my back as he slid back inside me and thrust slow and deep. Grasping my wrists from behind and pinning them above my head in one hand, he restrained me so I couldn't move, between the exhaustion of being so fully sated and his body on mine. "What are you so afraid of?" he whispered in my ear, pulling my hair back to get a better look at my face. "You think you can hide anything from me?"

"Enzo," I moaned as his other hand reached beneath me and stroked my clit with two quick, skilled fingers.

"You think I don't see you, Carina?" he asked, shoving harder and deeper until the sound of his hips striking against my ass echoed through the cavernous gym. "You're all I fucking see."

He grunted behind me, heat filling me as he shoved hard one last time and paused as deep as he could go. My lungs heaved with the need to breathe as his weight covered me fully, pressing me tightly into the ring floor. When he eventually rolled off me, he tugged me into his front and wrapped his arms around me as we both caught our breath.

What should have been comforting and an assurance that I was more than a convenient lay became terrifying.

He saw me. Nobody saw me.

People saw what I wanted them to see.

I winced as I shrugged out of his arms and stood, feeling the unfamiliar liquid trickle down the inside of my thigh. I scrambled for the bathroom, determined to hide behind the need to clean up as the reason for my abrupt departure.

All the toilet paper in the world couldn't scrub the dirty feeling

from my skin. He hadn't worn a condom. I’d never let it happen with anyone else, but something about Enzo disarmed me so fully that it hadn’t even crossed my mind. I’d been too caught up in him to think rationally.

Unable to rid myself of the stupid feeling of making a huge mistake, I retreated from the stall to grab soapy water to wash up with. When that was finished, I finally leaned on the sink and tapped my fingers on the basin in a staccato rhythm that brought me comfort.

One. A breath.

Two. I'd get tested. Again.

Three. It wouldn't happen again.

Four. At least it had been good.

Five. I was on the pill.

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