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Wild Weekend

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“But?” Jill prompted.

“But that was before I found out about this.” She held the bag out, then fisted it in her hand. “Before I realized that he had lied to me. That he had an ulterior motive to be with me.”

“Then don’t give him the emerald,” Jill said. “Hold on to it until he’s settled down here and can’t imagine life without you.”

“I’m not going to trap him here,” Christine said, indignant. And there was no guarantee that he would fall in love with her. “If I keep the emerald, then he goes back to Vegas to look for it. The longer he stays in Vegas, the less likely it is he’ll come back.”

“If you give him the emerald, he may not return.”

“That’s a risk I have to take.” She reached for the door and wrenched it open. “I have to give this to him, if only to find out the truth. Wish me luck.”

Her movements felt awkward as she left Jill’s. Dread twisted inside her and she found it difficult to take deep, even breaths. She wanted to believe Travis was falling for her and that he meant every word he said, but the emerald in her hand told her a different story.

She narrowed her eyes as the raindrops ran down her face. She wiped her cold skin and wished the coldness would seep into her bones and numb her. She didn’t want to feel like this. Hurt and uncertain. He was going to leave in a few minutes, but she wasn’t ready to take this risk. If he was here only because of the emerald, she would never see him again.

“Did you get everything you need?” she asked.

He lifted the plastic bag in his hand. “The selection is limited.”

“Yeah, you get used to that after a while.” But maybe he wouldn’t. Cedar Valley wasn’t enough for him. She wasn’t enough. Even if he really meant that he wanted to be here with her, there was no guarantee he would stay.

Travis looked up at the sky and winced as the rain pelted his face. “Are you sure you don’t want to come to Vegas with me? Think of the sunshine, the hot desert nights.”

She was surprised by his offer. Did he really want her with him, or was he hoping she could direct him to the emerald. “I don’t think I would be much use.”

“You would. Look at how we found the bracelet. We make a great team. You realized why Bonnie took it and acted on it.”

“Uh, that’s not exactly how it happened. Your sequence is all wrong,” she felt obligated to point out. “I did figure out why the bracelet was taken, and I also figured out why you really followed me home.”

He frowned. “Excuse me?”

Her heart was galloping in her chest and she was tempted to back down and remain quiet. She wanted to act as though she didn’t know anything, but she was tired of pretending. Christine tossed him the small bag that held the emerald and crossed her arms. “Care to explain?”

* * *

TRAVIS CAUGHT THE item out of reflex. He looked down and stared at the emerald. It took him a moment to recognize what was in his hand. And what it meant.

“You had this the whole time?” he asked roughly. He took a step back as the shock crashed through him. He’d made himself believe Christine had nothing to do with the missing jewel. He swore to Aaron that it wasn’t possible and begged him not to get the authorities involved. She had played him well.

“This is why you followed me to Cedar Valley, isn’t it?” Christine asked.

He glanced up and met her eyes. “I told you that I was looking for this.” His voice shook with anger. She’d acted as if she had no idea what he was talking about. She’d made it sound as if she didn’t believe his reasons for leaving town.

She placed her hands on her hips and glared at him. “I didn’t know that you suspected I had it.”

He pointed at the emerald in his hand. “And you did!” He felt betrayed. He thought Christine was a mix of heat and innocence. He didn’t think she had it in her to steal from him.

She took a step forward and pointed her finger at him. “No, I didn’t know I had it until just now,” she corrected coldly. “I had accidentally taken a shirt of yours, and Jill found it in my laundry. She suggested I keep it.”

Travis glanced at Jill’s store. He saw the redhead watching from the front window. If they had kept quiet, had kept the emerald... He blanched at the thought. “Why are you telling me now?”

“I wanted the truth more.”

“The truth?” He saw a movement from the corner of his eye. A few people had heard their raised voices and stepped outside to see what was going on. Christine didn’t seem to notice or care.

She hesitated and clenched her hands at her sides. It was as if she was preparing for an answer she didn’t want to hear. “Did you come here because you thought I stole the emerald?”

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