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Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed)

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“You made the move on him.”

“Yes.” Breath exploded out of her, Sarah-size relief. “Yes.”

“It’s okay, Sarah.”

“I’m so sorry I—” She frowned. “Hey, how did you know?”

Addie took a leisurely sip of punch, deciding how to answer. She could tell Sarah that Derek let it slip, but wasn’t sure it was her place to frame him. And she’d definitely had her own doubts about Sarah’s story. “Your anger at him was a little over the top. I wasn’t sure, but I thought something didn’t feel right.”

“Jeez, you, too?”

“Who else?”

“Joe. He said he figured it out pretty much right away.” She looked suddenly troubled. “That girl Carrie is really after him, have you noticed.”

Addie studied her friend closely. Was she jealous? Addie could only hope. Joe had been deeply in love with her for so long. It was heartbreaking to watch. Sarah had to realize on some level how perfect they were together. He calmed her down and adored her; she spruced him up and gave him purpose. But who knew if she’d ever let herself admit it. “Can you blame her?”

“No, of course not.” She laughed too carelessly. “Joe is the perfect man. I tell him so all the time.”

“Exactly.” Addie smirked, enjoying the situation. Sarah was jealous! Addie would be so pleased if Joe got his happy ever after with her. “Maybe they’ll end up together.”

“Maybe.” She bit her lower lip. “I’m not sure she’s his type, though. She’s too...obvious.”

“Uh-huh. Yeah, men hate when women make them feel totally sexy and desired.”

Sarah glared at her. “Not helping.”

“Trust me, he won’t even notice her extreme beauty and large breasts and—”

“So you’re not angry about Derek?” The abrupt subject change nearly made Addie laugh, but out of pity she switched gears, wondering if Carrie might be the answer to Joe’s prayers in a way Sarah didn’t even suspect.

“No, I’m not angry. He hurt you, and you lashed out, and then felt trapped by the lie. Welcome to the human race.”

“Aww, thank you, sweetie. I’m not sure I deserve forgiveness.” Sarah gave Addie a fierce hug. “But now wait, we need to talk about the most important thing. How are you going to seduce Kevin?”

“Seduce him?” She blinked stupidly. “Me?”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “Isn’t that the point of this weekend? I mean besides Paul getting married of course. The secondary point, then?”

“I thought he’d handle that.” The minute the words left her mouth she wished them back. Guys had always been the aggressors in her relationships. This week was about getting out of her rut, not settling back into it in a different place. “No. Forget it. Forget I said that.”

“Gladly.” Sarah fanned herself. “I thought I was going to have to smack you.”

“No, no.” Addie took a gulp of champagne punch for strength. Seduce him. Dear God.

“I’m thinking tonight you can play a little hard to get, just tease him.” Sarah wiggled her fingers gracefully. “And then tonight when everyone is in bed, sneak into his room and bang.”

The dancing fingers made a vicious grab.

Good Lord. Was she crazy? Just walk into Kevin’s room and attack him? Addie pictured him asleep in one of the second-floor bedrooms where Paul and Ellen had put their closest friends. Imagined fitting her naked body to his, waking him with a gentle kiss.


That would take her pretty damn far out of her rut.

“If I do this...” She shook her head as Sarah started a massive victory dance. “Sarah, I said if.”

“No chickening out.” Sarah waggled a warning finger, eyes flashing excitement. “You can do this. He wants you to, you saw his text and you saw how he greeted you.”

“True.” Deep inside her, little flutters of excitement, even though the concept was still surreal.

“Come on.” Sarah took her arm and dragged her back toward the house. “You need more punch.”

A second glass of punch later, Addie and Sarah were in line at the buffet near tables set up in the middle of a circle of tents, loading up on hamburgers, hot dogs, potato chips and bean salad.

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