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Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed)

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He walked forward on his hands, his body held over hers. Addie lifted her head and they both looked down. At her—wide-open. At him—hard and ready.

Then he lowered himself, only halfway. Addie reached for his erection, impatient to guide it where she wanted it so badly.


“Yes.” She was breathless with anticipation. Why was he holding back?

“Look at me.”

She met his eyes and he pushed inside her, slowly, an inch, back out, then farther, stretching her, filling her. She closed her eyes—the connection and emotions were too intense—and let herself concentrate only on the animal, on the thrust of him way inside her, friction slow and steady in spite of how wet she was. The weight of him on top of her, the clean just-showered smell of his skin. The way he moved leisurely in and out, showing no impatience. She didn’t want him to hurry. They had the beach to themselves and the rest of the afternoon.

For a while, his rhythm went on unchanged, as they got to know each other’s sounds and movements, exploring textures and shapes.

Then Derek pulled almost all the way out, made love to her with only the first inch or two of his penis, causing a light tug on her clitoris, just enough to make her crazy but not quite enough stimulation to come.

Torture. She moaned involuntarily, began breathing harshly, nearly panting. She had to come now.

When she was about to put her hand down and take care of it herself, Derek thrust all the way in and began an earnest, powerful drive.

Addie gave a yell, more noise than she’d ever made during lovemaking, but she was no longer in control of her body or herself. The orgasm was coming so slow and hot and hard, she wasn’t even sure she’d survive it.

Just before its peak, she opened her eyes in surrender and locked on to Derek’s.

“Yes,” he whispered. Somehow he knew. How did he know? “Let go, come for me.”

Gripping his shoulders, bracing herself, Addie yelled again, lost in the explosion of pleasure, and the doubling of its intensity as she realized he was coming with her, inside her, pulsing as she contracted over and over until the waves of pleasure subsided, leaving them locked together, breaths heaving.

When she could speak again, Addie stroked the dark head resting on her breast. “That was wonderful, Derek.”


She giggled. “You’re welcome.”

He lifted his head unsteadily and blinked down at her. “Are we still alive?”

“I...think so.”

“My God, Addie.” He was smiling, but she heard the awe in his voice and saw it in his eyes. “That was... I’m kind of glad you changed your mind.”

“I’m kind of glad Sarah told you where I was.”

“And that Kevin got laid last night.”

“And that I found your room by mistake.”

He kissed her then, long slow kisses that instead of heating up her body, heated up her heart.


See? You can’t handle casual sex. You are not a wild woman. What made you think you could?

She kissed him back, only letting herself enjoy the smooth masculine feel of his mouth against hers, her hands stroking the long muscles in his back, sweeping up to his powerful shoulders.

He pulled out reluctantly, removed the condom and lay facing her on the towel. For a while they were quiet, gazing into each other’s eyes. She didn’t find it hard to do anymore. He seemed almost familiar; there was some part of his gaze that now jumped out and included her. It was not the way she’d ever imagined looking at someone she barely knew. There was no fear, not even of judgment. This was so new. So different.

And she’d have to say goodbye to him in only two days.

“You know what?” She stroked the side of his face, unable to stop wanting to feel his skin under her fingers. “That’s the most spontaneous thing I’ve ever done.”

He turned to kiss her palm. “It certainly got my attention.”

“I’m not usually like that.”

“You don’t generally flaunt your very beautiful naked body in front of men you don’t know very well? I’d say that’s a good thing.”

She laughed. “I mean...I didn’t think that was something I would do. Or even could do.”

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