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Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed)

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“Why are you doing this for me?”

“Because I had an offer like this. From a military man. We’d known each other a short time, but we were crazy about each other. Before he went abroad, he asked me to marry him. I was a timid homebody and panicked at the idea of living overseas, of moving whenever the military said we had to. I couldn’t handle it. I’ve regretted that every day because no one I met after him came close. That was my chance. That was my life calling me, Addie, and I ignored it because I didn’t give myself credit for being able to evolve into more than I already was. I know now I could have handled it. And if I couldn’t, I could have left him, older and wiser. But this way I’ll never know. And there is no greater hell to live through than that.” Her eyes filled with tears. She slammed her fist onto the table. “Go to him. Right now.”

“Linda, I—”

She stopped Addie with an upraised hand.

“Go now. Before you change your mind. Trust me. Go.” She leaned forward and took Addie’s hand, looked earnestly into her eyes. “Do not even finish your carrot.”

* * *

DEREK STOOD AT the helm of Joie de Vivre, having steered carefully out of the tiny Lahaina Harbor on Maui. He was heading northwest with his six passengers to explore the island of Molokai. This was one of his favorite trips, a full eleven days, with the passengers designing the itinerary. After Molokai, this group wanted to visit Lanai, then Hawaii. Usually he was in great spirits at the start of a trip, and today the weather was glorious: eighty-two degrees with full sun and calm water.

It might as well have been forty degrees with dense fog and towering seas.

Up until the minute he started Joie de Vivre’s engines, he’d been hoping Addie would change her mind. Eleven days from then he was sure he’d still be hoping. Hell, next year he’d still be hoping. His bookkeeper, Mary, was due to go on maternity leave after they got back and he’d made arrangements to hire a temp rather than give up hope Addie would want the job.

He and Addie had agreed to keep in touch, but his last email on Wednesday morning had gone unanswered for four days. Four miserable minute-by-minute days. Derek had considered calling, but pride kept him from the phone. Addie knew he still wanted her, knew he still wanted to hear from her, still wanted her here with him. He wasn’t going to beg.

Most likely.

Derek closed his eyes briefly against the pain, shaking his head. Listen to him. He missed her so deeply it was as if mini construction workers were hard at work 24/7 jackhammering his heart. Addie had turned him from the cool untouchable captain of his own soul into an obsessed pining wimp.

“Captain.” The voice of Renard, his first mate, came from over his left shoulder. Derek hadn’t heard him approach.

“Yes, Renard.” Derek pulled himself up tall. Apparently he’d even started slumping. By tomorrow he’d probably have developed a permanent whine and half his teeth and hair would fall out.

She was killing him.

“Trouble down in your cabin, sir.”

“In my cabin?”

“Trouble with a passenger. Jenny found her when she was cleaning, asleep in your bed.”

Derek’s mood blackened further. He knew exactly which passenger. The stacked blonde who’d gotten drunk at the welcome onboard dinner the night before and tried to fondle him under the table while her older husband sat right next to her, too wasted to notice.

Lovely people.

“Gene can handle her.” His excursion leader was expert at dealing with difficult personalities.

“I’ve never seen him stopped by anyone before, sir. He claims this is something only you can manage.”

Derek’s lips tightened. This was ridiculous. “Unless her life is in some kind of danger, there is no reason he can’t—”

“I’m...afraid it is, sir.”

Derek stared at Renard incredulously. “Her life is in danger?”

“Uh. No, not really.” The smaller man’s dark eyes flicked to one side, then returned to his. Derek had the distinct impression Renard was amused, and it pissed him off further. “Thing is, sir, she insists on seeing you.”

“Right.” Derek nodded curtly, wanting to growl. Stupid diva theatrics. “Take the wheel.”

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